Математика мұғалімдерін даярлау
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MSSE 4376 MSSE 4376 Үшінші курс 5 150 15 30
Course Descriptions
Tleukeev Y.D.

The discipline teaches the basics of Mathematical Statistics and methods of its application. Discipline forms an idea of the place and role of Mathematical Statistics in the modern world, reveals the system of basic concepts used to describe the most important statistical models and methods and the relationship between these concepts. Teaches problem solving, statistical testing of hypotheses and correlation and regression analysis on the topic of estimating unknown parameters of the distribution by sample.

Group work, brainstorming, lecture, developmental teaching methods, creative teaching methods.

The teacher of the subject, in cooperation with the structural departments, can change the teaching methods, formats, type of control and duration of the introduction of special adaptation topics (modules) for students with disabilities.

1Builds mathematical models of processes and phenomena in solving applied practical problems (LO 10);
2Uses theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods in the study of problems in various areas of mathematics (LO 11).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Basic concepts of mathematical statistics. . Graphic images in the variation series.презентация
2Distribution characteristics.Average values. Arithmetic, harmonic, and geometric averages.презентация
3Structural environments. Median, Moda and quartiles. The relationship between arithmetic mean, median and fashion.презентация
4Measurement of deviations..The use of moments to study series of variations.презентация
5Collection and product method for calculating sampling properties.презентация
6Statistical estimates of distribution parameters.Point estimates.The method of moments. The method of the greatest truthfulness.презентация
7Interval estimates.презентация
8Comparison of two variances of normal general populations. The Fisher Criterion.презентация
9Comparison of the corrected sample variance with the hypothetical general variance of a normal population. Pearson's Matching criterion (χ²).презентация
10Comparison of two average general populations whose variances are known (large independent samples).презентация
11Comparison of two average normal general populations whose variances are unknown (small independent samples).презентация
12Correlation analysis.Linear and curvilinear correlation. Rank and qualitative correlations.презентация
13Rank and qualitative correlations.презентация
14Elements of variance analysis.презентация
15First information about Markov chainsпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Tokbergenov J. B., Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka.Oqý quraly-Almaty: ATÝ, 2016. - 159 b.
2E. D. Tileýkeev, Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasynyń mindetterin sheshý, oqý quraly, Túrkistan: Ahmet Esevı atyndaǵy Qazaq-Túrik ýnıversıteti.Turan Baspahanasy. 2020, -152 bet.
3Qoshanova M.d., Nazarova K. j., Tileýkeev E. D. Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka elementteri boıynsha jeke tapsyrmalar jınaǵy, Túrkistan: Ahmet Esevı atyndaǵy Qazaq-Túrik ýnıversıteti.Turan Baspahanasy. 2020 -164 bet.
4Aqanbaı N., Yqtımaldyqtar men jattyǵýlar teorıasy boıynsha esepter jınaǵy.Oqýlyq.Ol ony almady. 'Qazaq ýnıversıteti' 2020.
5Aqanbaı N. Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka: 1 bólim. Oqýlyq.2019.
6S. A. Joldasov, Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka boıynsha esepter jınaǵy. Oqýlyq. Almaty: Evero-2023.
7E. D. Tileýkeev, 'Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka' kýrsy boıynsha ádistemelik nusqaýlar, Túrkistan: Ahmet Esevı atyndaǵy Qazaq-Túrik ýnıversıteti.Turan Baspahanasy. 2017-101s.