Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MPRLShNO 4334 Methods of Teaching Russian Literature IІ төртінші курс 4 120 0 2 0
Course Descriptions
Ashimova S.Zh.

The discipline is aimed at studying the methods of interactive teaching of Russian literature at school, forming the skills of analytical thinking, creativity in the approach to teaching educational material. As a result of studying the discipline, students will be ready for innovative activity, will be able to use data on the theory and practice of pedagogical innovation in their professional activity.


Yes: Methods of teaching Russian literature I

1. Oral (conversation, discussion),

2. Work in pairs,

3. Blitz questions,

4. Case studies,

5. Methods of developmental learning,

6. Methods of creative learning,

7. Use of IT technology

8. Group work,

9. Problem-based learning, creative method (essays),

10. Glossary,

11. Presentation,

12. Business games,

13. Associogram,

14. Bibliography,

15. Test,

16. Written method.

17. For students with disabilities together with structural units, the teacher can change the methods, forms, type of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialised adaptation disciplines (modules).

1is able to organise and effectively plan the educational process
2is able to conduct classes in Russian language and literature and extracurricular activities in general education schools with the use of innovative technologies.
3knows the principles of integration and continuity of education at all levels of the education system;
4is ready for innovative activity;
5is able to use theoretical knowledge in practical activity
6is able to conduct monitoring research using methods and processes of monitoring research in the field of education;
7is able to independently analyse the results of pedagogical diagnostics of subject and language competences with their subsequent application in the educational process;
8knows the principles and methods of research of the educational environment to identify individual characteristics of students.
9possesses professional-methodical, organisational skills and skills of professional activity;
10is aware of the types of professional activity, knows their functions and tasks;
11is able to independently carry out scientific design of different directions;
12puts forward innovative ideas with the purpose of creating creative associations, associations.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Pedagogical innovation as a theory of innovations in education
2Glossary of modern innovative education
3History of the development of innovation processes in world and domestic pedagogy
4Modern educational technologies: general characteristics
5Problem-based learning
6Didactic game
7V.F. Shatalov's pedagogical system
8Modular training
9Project method
10Suggestive learning
11Integrative learning
12Interactive learning method
13Programmed learning
14Information Technology. Use of telecommunications, multimedia tools in training
15Virtual learning, its features. Audio-video lessons. Criterion evaluation system
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Modern Educational Technologies. Textbook. Edited by E.N. Ashanina. M., Yurait, 2023
2Innovative technologies in the educational process. Shymkent, 2022, Erkibayeva G.G.
3Updated system of training. Shymkent, 2022, Erkibayeva G.G.
4Methods of teaching literature. Textbook chrestomathy. B.A. Lanin. M. Yurait. 2023
5Karpykbaeva A. Tests on the methodology of teaching literature. Educational and methodological manual. Turkestan, 2018.