Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MOT 3219 Methods of Translation Үшінші курс 4 120 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Sherieva Gulimzhan Torebayevna

The subject "Linguistic Translation Stupies" pefines text analysis through the fielps of lexicology, lexicography, semiotics in linguistics, petermining the grammatical anp syntactic structure of the text, worp combinations, the function of applications, the use of literary texts, translators, etc. The purpose of this discipline is to familiarize students with the theoretical and linguodidactic foundations of teaching translation aimed at developing their translation competence, as well as a methods to facilitate the tasks of translation activities.



1. presentation

2. translation

3. creative thinking

4. communicative methop

5. translation techniques

1Related to linguistics as part of philology-forms theoretical knowledge about the functioning, nature of linguistics, various aspects and features of the theoretical aspect of linguistics;
2summarizes the content of the main directions, schools, concepts and theories of modern linguistics;
3- improves knowledge of the structure of language and the principles of language theory as the central methodological problems of all modern science;
4develops professional theoretical and linguistic thinking skills;
5Explains the theoretical aspect of linguistics from a historical point of view
6Performs written translation using syntactic approaches, lexical, grammatical and stylistic alternatives to correctly translate the communicative and logical integrity of the text;
7for the correct construction of logical connections between sentences, it uses methods of compression and decompression of the content of speech, ways to disassemble and combine sentences in the course of translation.
8Correctly understands the oral text and performs two-way oral translation using translation transformations;
9Fluency in a foreign language, especially in its spoken language, knowledge of idiomatic expressions.
10freely use the spoken language of a working Foreign Language, idiomatic expressions, phraseological expressions in oral translation;
11forms the ethics of spoken translation
12in addition to listening to a text in one language, it concurrently translates it into another; puts the accent correctly and uses the correct accent;
13forms a clear and uniform sound of the tone of voice; correctly and intelligibly translates the said thought;
14provides simultaneous translation with effective use of simultaneous translation devices
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Translation studiesАуызша
2Types of translationАуызша
3Evaluative classification of translationАуызша
4Types of equivalenceАуызша
5Ways of achieving equivalenceАуызша
6Translating finite verb formsЖазбаша
7Translating non-finite verb formsпрезентация
8Translating causative constructionsСұрақ-жауап
9Translating pronounstest
10Translating the articlestest
11Word choice in translationСұрақ-жауап
12Translating realiaАуызша
13Translating termsАуызша
14Phraseological and metaphorical translationСұрақ-жауап
15Metonymical translationпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Knowledge test in the field of teaching. The textbook. 1,2 and 3 course modules. Cambridge University Press, 2014. M. Sprat, A. Pulverness, M. Williams.
2The influence of Emostl on the self-esteem of English teachers. Monograph. Shymkent, 2020 M. E. Seitova
3Jenny Williams. Theories of translation. Palgrave's textbooks of written and oral translation. Dublin City University, Ireland.,2013.
4Modern methods of teaching a foreign language. Training manual (OU-tool of Justice) Almaty 'Qazaq university' 2015 G. K. Mustafina, T. A. Merkibaev