Математика мұғалімдерін даярлау
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MOA 3289 Methods of teaching mathematics Екінші курс 5 150 15 30
Course Descriptions

An important task of the mathematics teaching methodology program is to equip teachers teaching mathematics in the future with specific knowledge, practical skills and to promote the development of pedagogical thought of students. To teach the future teacher to master the methods and types of organization and organization of the educational process, to master various methods of developing students' mathematical thinking to assimilate various communication requirements in pedagogical work.

Narration, exchange of opinions, discussion, problem methods.

1Uses the acquired theoretical knowledge of mathematics in a practical form;
2Practicing mathematical skills;
3He is proficient in the use of modern information technologies in teaching mathematics;
4Learn how to apply active methods to mathematics;
5Uses the didactic possibilities of active methods in teaching mathematics;
6Learn how to apply active methods in teaching mathematics when organizing a math lesson.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject of the study of mathematics is the theory and methodology of teaching mathematics.Жазбаша
2Subject, content, goals, objectives of the MS; history, current state, prospects for the development of the MS. Functions of MS, the relationship of MS with other sciences; the system of cognition of mathematics (concept, structure, content).Жазбаша
3Principles of teaching mathematics. The concept of the principle of teaching mathematics and the system of principles of teaching. Implementation of learning principles.Жазбаша
4The content of teaching mathematics. The main components of the content of teaching mathematics.Жазбаша
5Scientific and theoretical methods of teaching mathematics. The concept of teaching methods.Жазбаша
6Forms and equipment for teaching mathematics. Classification; form of organization of training didactic tasks.Жазбаша
7Mathematical concepts, propositions and methods of their study. Axioms, theorems, axiomatic methods.Жазбаша
8Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the study of mathematics. Psychological foundations of the study of mathematics. Pedagogical foundations of the study of mathematics.Жазбаша
9Classification of tasks by value and function performed in teaching mathematics. General methodology for studying problem solving.Жазбаша
10Organization of mathematics education. Lesson, its structure; basic requirements for the lesson; types of lesson; teacher preparation for the lesson; analysis of the math lesson.Жазбаша
11Formation of cognitive independence in the process of teaching mathematics. Components and level of cognitive independence; elective classes in mathematics. Extracurricular math classes. The purpose, content and main types of extracurricular activities in mathematics.Жазбаша
12Methods of teaching mathematics, geometry in the conditions of the updated content of education.Жазбаша
13Methods of conducting extracurricular work in mathematics; features of teaching mathematics in schools of various types. Schools and classes with advanced study of mathematics; gymnasiums and lyceums, etc.Жазбаша
14Schools and classes with advanced study of mathematics; gymnasiums and lyceums, etc.Жазбаша
15Methods of conducting and organizing pedagogical practice at school. The purpose and content of pedagogical practice conducted at school.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Joǵary matematıka pánderin oqytýda Maple júıesin qoldaný. / Oqý quraly. / Túrkistan: 2020. / B.H.Týrmetov.
2Matematıkany oqytýdyń teorıasy men ádistemesi: dıdaktıkalyq ádistemelik negizderi. Oqý quraly - Almaty, 2014j. Ábilqasymova A.E.
3Teorıa ı metodıka obýchenıa matematıke: dıdaktıko-metodıcheskıe osnovy. Ýchebnoe posobıe. - Almaty: Mektep, 2014g. A.E.Abylkasymova.
4Belgisizderi modýl tańbasy astynda keletin teńdeýlerdi jáne teńsizdikterdi sheshý ádisteri. Oqý-ádistemelik qural. 2013j. Sh. Altynbekov, Á. Q. Turymbetova, R. Ibragımov.
5Metodıcheskıe osnovy obýchenıa reshenıý matematıcheskıh zadach v shkole. Ýchebnoe posobıe. - Almaty, 2018g. A. E. Abylkasymova, E.A.Týıakov, L.D.Jýmalıeva, J. M. Nýrmýhamedova.
6Istorıa stanovlenıa ı razvıtıe metodıkı prepodavanıa matematıkı v Kazahstane. Ýchebnoe posobıe. - Almaty: Mektep, 2020g. A.E.Abylkasymova, B. M. Kosanov.
7Praktıkým po reshenıý matematıcheskıh zadach. Ýchebno-metodıcheskoe posobıe. – Karaganda, 2012g. K.T.Bertıskanova
8Trıgonometrıa. 8-11 synyp. Oqý-ádistemelik quraly. Túrkistan, 2021. Mombekov.A.I., Dúıseeva G.O.