Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
МKMA 6309 Mathematical Analysis on Metric Spaces Екінші курс 7 210 3 4
Course Descriptions
Sultanov M.

The purpose of the discipline is to develop skills in solving non-standard, non-typical applied  problems of modern mathematical analysis in metric spaces and stochastic analysis, as well as to  form readiness for independent professional activity with some of their applications. Studies new  mathematical methods of basic concepts and important fundamental results of the general theory of  random processes. Develops constructive methods for the theory of Martingale and semi-partingal.

Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, the method of developmental learning, the method of group project work, the problem method, the method of mini-research, the method of increasing professionalism, the method of exchanging opinions, discussions.

1Pon 1-develops constructive methods for solving boundary value problems for integral differential equations;
2PON 2-studies new mathematical methods for solving extreme problems and limit problems for nonlinear differential equations and mathematical physics.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Metric spaces. Examples.Жазбаша
2Continuous images of metric spaces. Completeness. Convergence in the language of 'neighborhood'.Жазбаша
3Heine convergence. Closed and open meetings. Complete metric spaces.Жазбаша
4The nested balls theorem. Dense insides. Baer's theorem.Жазбаша
5Completeness and solvability of equations. Filling the space.Жазбаша
6The principle of image compression. Application in solving ordinary differential equations and integral equations.Жазбаша
7Linear, normalized, and Euclidean spaces.Жазбаша
8Orthogonal systems. The orthogonalization theorem. Fourier coefficients. Bessel's inequality.Жазбаша
9Functions. Compact sets in metric spaces. The Arcela theorem.Жазбаша
10Properties of continuous linear functionals. The Khan-Banach theorem. The nodal space.Жазбаша
11Generalized functions. The derivative of the generalized function. Differential equations of a class of generalized functions.Жазбаша
12The linear operator. The operator's norm. A wide range of linear operators. Compact operators.Жазбаша
13The principle of uniform manipulation. The Banach-Steingauz theorem. Dead-end operators. The closed graph theorem.Жазбаша
14The nodal operator. The operator equation. The inverse operator.Жазбаша
15Intermittent tension. A sufficient condition. The spectrum of the operator. The resolvent. Compact operator spectrum.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Kolmogorov A.N. Elementy teorii funksi i funksionälnogo analiza. – M.: Fizmatlit, 2014.
2Trenogin V.A. Funksionälnyi analiz/ V.A. Trenogin. – M.: Nauka, 2017.
3Şilov G.E. Matematicheski analiz. Vtoroi spesiälnyi kurs/ G.E. Şilov. – M.: MGU, 2013.
4Baharev F.L. Osnovy funksionälnogo analiza. Uchebnoe posobie. – SPb.: İzd-i dom S.-Peterb.gos. un-ta., 2012.