Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
МК1251 Module From Мolecule to Сell Бірінші курс 7 210 3 15 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
Candidate of Biological Sciences Imanova D., Candidate of Chemistry Aibolova G., master, senior teacher Mintasova A., PhD Omarova B., Doctor of Medical Sciences Kuandykova A., PhD Skenderova A.

The module explains the properties of the genetic code, explaining the molecules and their properties that play a role in controlling gene expression, as well as the conductivity of tissues to electric and magnetic fields. During the course, the student masters the basic structures of molecules in a cell, their development, normal mechanisms, demonstrating knowledge in biomedical, clinical and epidemiological sciences. Uses communication skills and ethical principles, modern information technologies in the educational process.



MCQ (multiple choice questions) (Tests)

OR (oral report)

PAL (peer-assisted learning)

SAQ (short answer questions)

SGL (small group learning)

TaskBL (task-based learning)

1-Determines the main structures, development and normal human mechanisms at the level of organic living organisms and systems, including knowledge that are constantly being developed and updated, and applies them, demonstrating knowledge in the field of biomedicine, physico-chemical, epidemiological, socio-behavioral sciences.
2-He knows the types of modern visual-enforcement;
3-Systematizes and accurately creates information about experimental research using medical information sources and a computer technology base.
4-Uses ethical principles in the educational process and scientific research;
5-Uses communicative skills, principles and culture of academic honesty in teamwork.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Genetic code, concept, properties. Protein biosynthesis. Molecular mechanisms of gene expression regulation prokaryotes and eukaryotes.Сұрақ-жауапБиблиографияпрезентация
2Mono- and disaccharides. Structure, isomers, chemical properties and their significance.Сұрақ-жауапБиблиографияпрезентация
3Physical laws of fluid flow: Newton’s law, laminar and turbulent flow. Effect of viscosity on some medical procedures. Volumetric and linear velocities of the liquid, the condition of jet continuity. Movement of blood in the vascular system. 'Coin' pillars.Сұрақ-жауапБиблиографияпрезентация
4Chromosomal hereditary diseases.Сұрақ-жауапБиблиографияпрезентация
5History of medicine. Medical ethics and deontology.Сұрақ-жауапБиблиографияпрезентация
6Ethical aspects of the relationship between a doctor and nursing staff.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
7Evidence-based medicine as a new approach to medical practice. The PICO principle in writing a clinical question. Stages of the clinical decision-making process.Сұрақ-жауапБиблиографияпрезентация
8Mutation and mutagens. Apaptosis and necrosis.Сұрақ-жауапБиблиографияпрезентация
9Oligo- and polysaccharides, their derivatives.АуызшаБиблиографияtest
10Methods for measuring blood pressure. Korotkov method.Сұрақ-жауапБиблиографияtest
11Genetic hereditary diseases.Ауызша және жазбашаtest
12Ethical aspect of the relationship between doctor and patient.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
13Iatrogenesis, medical errors. Ways to reduce them.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
14Epidemiology as a science. Basic epidemiological terms and their application in evidence-based medicine.Ауызша және жазбашаБиблиографияпрезентацияtest
15Reparation as a set of measures to eliminate random damage to the genome. Human genome. Its features and characteristics. Human Genome Program.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
16Fatty acids and triglycerides. Lipids: phospholipids, glycolipids and their derivatives.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауап
17Biophysics of hearing. Sound and its physical characteristics. The structure of the hearing organ. Features of the outer ear, Features of the middle ear, auditory ossicles and their functions. Features of the inner ear, the role of the organ of Corti, generation of biopotentials.Ауызша және жазбашаtest
18Genetic basis of hereditary diseases.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
19Patient consultation. Patient's rights.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
20The concept of conflictology. Their occurrence and solutions in the medical team.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
21Design of a clinical and epidemiological study. Methods of observational and experimental research.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
22Carcinogenesis. Molecular mechanisms of tumor growth..Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
23Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
24Types of muscles. The structure of muscle fiber. Muscle contraction. Types of muscle contraction. Power and speed of muscle contraction. The concept of ergometry.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
25Molecular basis of hereditary diseases.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентацияtest
26Iatrogenesis, medical errors.Ауызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
27Sanitary treatment of patients: hygiene of skin, hair, eyes, nails.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
28Stages of scientific research. The first stage of the study. Second stage of the study. The third stage of the study. The fourth stage of the study.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
29Molecular genetic research methods and their application in medicine and pharmacy. Gene therapy. Practical lesson Molecular genetic research methods and their application in medicine and pharmacy. Gene therapy.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
30Buffer systems of the body: composition, mechanism of action. Acidosis. Alkalosis.ЖазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
31Biophysics of vision. The structure of the eye. Rhodopsin and its transformations. The mechanism of biopotential generation in the retina. Color vision. Lens, types, parameters and disadvantages of the lens. Visual impairments and solutions: keratotomy.ЖазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
32Genotypic and phenotypic variability.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентацияtest
33Death and ethical problems of death. Incurable patients, palliative care, the concept of euthanasia, doctor's tactics.Ауызша және жазбашапрезентация
34Types of transportation of patients to medical departments. Professional protection when transporting a patient.ЖазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
35Introduction to Statistics. Fundamentals of biostatistics. Variation and dispersion. Parametric and non-parametric tests.ЖазбашаСұрақ-жауапtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Molekulalyk biologiya zhane medicinalyk genetika. Oku kuraly. 2015. D.N. Imanova.
2Molekulalyk biologiya negіzderі. Oku-adіstemelіk kural. 2014. E.O. Kuandykov, L.E. Amanzholova.
3Bioorganikalyk himiya: okulyk. 2014. N.A. Tyukavkina, YU.I. Baukov, S.E. Zurabyan.
4Himiya panі bojynsha test zhinagy. Oku-adіstemelіk kural. 2020. Pralieva R.E.
5Medicinalyk zhane biologiyalyk fizika. A.N.Remizov, Zhalpy red. bas.:M.A.Abirova. 2019 zh.
6Medicinalyk biofizika panіn okuga arnalgan oku-adіstemelіk nuskau. B.S.Ualihanova, T.A. Turmambekov. - Turkіstan: Turan, 2015 zh.
7Darіgerdіn kommunikativtіk dagdylary, Ouu kuraly. 2016zh. K. U. Zholdas.
8Kommunikativtіk dagdylar. Oku-adіstemelіk kural. Turkestan, 2018 zh. Zholdas K.U.
9Salauatty omіr saltynyn negіzderі. Adіstemelіk kural. Almaty - 2014zh., S.Tajzhanov.
10Salauatty өmіr saltynyn negіzderі. Adіstemelіk kural. Almaty-2014zh. S.Tajzhanov. Bioorganikalyk himiya praktikumy. 2020. A.Kuatbekov, A.K.Patsaev, O.Baktybaev
11Genetika zhane zheke damu. Okulyk. 2016. B.ZH. Kultanov.
12Biostatistikaga kіrіspe kursy.Oku kuraly.2014zh B. K. Kojchubekov, D. T. Abdykeshova, D. T. Alibieva.
13Mysaldar men tapsyrmalardagy biostatistika. Oku-adіstemelіk kural. 2023. B.K. Kojchubekov, A.S. Bukeeva, A.I. Takuadina, G.T. Zhunusova, D.T. Abdykeshova.
14Darіgerdіn kommunikativtіk dagdylary, Ouu kuraly. 2016zh. K. U. Zholdas.