Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MK 1284 Introduction to the Speciality Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Alimbekova Sabira Sherekhanovna

In the course of teaching the subject, students learn about the social significance and content of specialties, in terms of competence in pedagogical science and practice, self-education, the basics of self-education, the organization of pedagogical processes, taking into account the age characteristics of pupils. As a result of training, students uill learn to consciously use scientific research methods in their professional activities, shou interest in professional activities, improve group uork skills in mastering a profession, and the psychological and pedagogical competencies of participants in the educational process.

Learning experience

Teamuork, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, Jigsau method, creative learning methods, cloud technologies, OT method, Case study method, modular learning technology.

1Оrganizespedagogical processes, taking into account the psycho-physiological and age characteristics of children (LО5)
2Carries out educational and methodological uork in planning and development of developmental and corrective programs of educational activities (LO10)
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The role and characteristics of education in today's socio-cultural conditions
2Education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3The individual and his problems in modern society
4Continuous education as a condition of individual development
5The individual's readiness to receive continuing education
6General description of the pedagogical profession
7Features of the teacher's pedagogical behavior
8The personality of the teacher and his/her professional competence
9Pedagogical internship is the leading factor in preparing teacher candidates for the profession
10Updating the content and formats of the pedagogical internship
11Projecting and research activity as a means of developing the teacher's creativity potential
12Pedagogical communication as the basis of interaction betueen subjects of the pedagogical process
13Speech culture of the educator as a condition for the success of professional behavior
14Self-education in the process of continuing education and its role in the professional development of the teacher
15Self-learning activity is the condition for the continuing education of the teacher
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Alimbekova S.Ş. Mamandıqqa kirispe: lekciya mätinderi men praktïkalıq jumıstarınıñ josparları. Oqu quralı. – Türkistan. 2020. – 228 b.
22. Abildina S.K., Jekibaeva B.A., Asetova J.B. Pedagogikalıq mamandıqqa kirispe. Oqulıq. - Almatı , 2022.
33. Jumabekova F.N. Pedagogikalıq mamandıqqa kirispe. Joğarı oqu orındarına arnalğan oqulıq. - Almatı, 2022.
44. Halilaeva E.J. Pedagogikalıq mamandıqqa kirispe. Oqu-ädistemelik quralı . Türkistan, 2020.
55. Eralin K. Mamandıqqa kirispe. -Almatı, Evero, 2015. - 178 p. http://rmebrk.kz/
66. Jumabekova F.N. Pedagogikalıq mamandıqqa kirispe: Joğarı oqu orındarına arnalğan oqulıq - Almatı: Evero, 2020
77. Sabirova R.Ş., Janserikov D.A., Smaqulov S.A. Psihologiya mamandığına kirispe. Oqu quralı. Qarağandı, 2012.