Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MFTSHSA 5307 Numerical Methods for Solving Equations of Mathematical Physics Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Sultanov Murat Abdukadyrovich

The purpose of the discipline is to introduce undergraduates to the main numerical methods of  solving inverse problems for independent derived differential equations. The discipline is aimed at  studying iterative methods for solving inverse problems for restoring the positive part of parabolic  and elliptical equations, the principle of regularization of difference schemes and their convergence,  the basics of software implementation of numerical algorithms. Studies new mathematical methods  for solving inverse problems for differential equations of independent derivatives.

Team work, critical thinking, brainstorming, developmental learning method, group project work method, problem method, mini research method, professional skills improvement method, exchange of views, discussion method.

1Creates constructive methods for solving boundary value problems of integro-differential equations;
2Studies new mathematical methods for solving extreme problems and boundary value problems for nonlinear differential equations and mathematical physics;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Equations of mathematical physics and initial-edge problems posed to them.
2Difference schemes. Basic concepts and definitions.
3Differential calculus with a difference scheme approximation error.
4Study of the compactness and stability of distinction schemes
5Numerical solution of the thermal conductivity equation with a defined scheme.
6Numerical solution of the thermal conductivity equation with an undefined scheme.
7Numerical solution of hyperbolic type equations by the difference method
8Numerical solution of the linear transfer equation.
9Numerical solution of the quasi-linear transport equation
10Equations of the elliptic type by the difference method solve.
11Numerical solution of the integral equation of the 2nd genus fredholm by the method of quadratures.
12Numerical solution of the integral equation of the 2nd genus Volterra
13Not proof reports. Numerical solution of the integral equation of the 1st genus fredholm by the method of regularization.
14The continuation of the gravitational field is not proof.
15Numerical solution of the inverse problem of straightening the right side of the thermal conductivity equation by iterative method.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1E. V. Zaharov, I. V. Dmıtrıeva, S. I. Orlık. Matematıkalyq fızıka teńdeýleri.- M.: 'Akademıa' baspa ortalyǵy, 2015.
2N. N. Kalıtkın, P.V. Korákın. Sandyq ádister: 2 kn. Kn. 2. Matematıkalyq fızıka ádisteri. - M.: 'Akademıa' baspa ortalyǵy, 2013.
3Kolsova, A. S. Skıchko, A.V. Jensa. Matematıkalyq fızıka jáne hımıa teńdeýlerin sheshýdiń sandyq ádisteri. -M.: Iýraıt baspasy, 2022.
4Lobanov A. ı., Petrov I. B. Esepteý matematıkasy. Dárister kýrsy-M.: Fızmatıkalyq kitap, 2021.
5G.S. Hakımzánov, S. G. Chernyı. Esepteý ádisteri. 4 bólim. Gıperbolalyq tıptegi teńdeýler úshin esepterdi sheshýdiń sandyq ádisteri. Oqý quraly. – Novosıbırsk, RIS NMÝ, 2014.
6Á.M. Babalıev, D. B. Álibıev. Sandyq Ádilet. Oqý. - Almaty: 'Dáýir' RPBK, 2014.