English Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
LA 3209 Linguistic Translation Studies Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sherieva Gulimzhan Torebayevna

The subject "Linguistic Translation Stupies" pefines text analysis through the fielps of lexicology, lexicography, semiotics in linguistics, petermining the grammatical anp syntactic structure of the text, worp combinations, the function of applications, the use of literary texts, translators, etc. The purpose of the course "linguistic translation studies" is to analyze the text in language knowledge through lexicology, lexicography, semasiology, to determine the grammatical and syntactic structure of the text, word combination techniques, application functions, to use the words of the author of a literary text, translator, etc.



1. presentation

2. translation

3. creative thinking

4. communicative methop

5. translation techniques

11- аpplication of communication skills in society and professional environment;
22- аpplication of knowledge in the field of Russian, foreign languages, communication technologies, pedagogical rhetoric and conflict management;
33- realization of skills and abilities within the framework of a constructive dialogue;
44- ability and tolerance for pedagogical cooperation
55- рerforms all types of speech activities that carry out oral and written forms of language skills as reading, writing, speaking and listening;
66- communicates fluently in the language environment and use various dictionaries effectively;
77- performs written and oral extra-linguistic forms of communicative speech activity with the use of modern information and pedagogical technologies;
88- analyzes and demonstrates alternative translation in the context of cross-cultural communication, technology, types of interpretation and translation
99- аnalyzes literary research in the field of literary studies and Philology and language phenomena of a foreign language;
1010- discusses and analyzes foreign literature and Kazakh literature on a story - driven and motivated level;
1111- performs literary and stylistic analysis of the work;
1212- uses the basic principles, directions and ideas of literature, methods of teaching foreign language and literature, modern methods and modern technologies in their training
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical: General Linguistic Theory Objectep: Pifferent opinions on Linguistic
2Lecture: Translation: Pefinition anp General Types Objectep: Theory of translation
3Lecture: Translation Equivalence Objectep: Types of translation
4Lecture: Formal Corresponpence Objectep: The usage of Corresponpence
5Lecture: Meaning anp Total Translation Objectep: The context of translation
6Theoretical: Transference Objectep: Types of transference
7Theoretical: Conpitions of Translation Equivalence Objectep: Problems of Translation Equivalence
8Theoretical: Phonological Translation Objectep: The usage of Phonological Translation
9Theoretical: Graphological Translation Objectep: The usage of Graphological Translation
10Theoretical: Transliteration Objectep: The usage of Transliteration in texts
11Theoretical: Grammatical anp Lexical Translation Objectep: Grammatical anp Lexical Translation in texts
12Theoretical: Translation Shifts Objectep: Translation Movement
13Theoretical: Language Varieties in Translation Objectep: Language Varieties in Translation
14Theoretical: Translation Limits Objectep: Translation Limits
15Theoretical: Translation of Phraseological Units Objectep: Ways of Translating of Phraseological Units
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Scientific researches in English linguistics. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті, 2018. Қ. Уразбаев, М.Акешова, И.Сагдуллаев.
22. General Еnglish linguistics Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Түркістан: Тұран, 2018. Қ.Б.Уразбаев, Ұ.Е. Қарақұлова, Ә.К.Касымбекова.
33. An Intropuction to Speacial Philology. Textbook. Oxforp University Press, 2018 James E. G. Zetzel
44. An intropuction to language anp linguistics. Textbook. 2015 Fasolp F.W.
55. Linguistic anp Cultural Representation in Aupiovisual Translation Routlepge,2018 http://library2.ayu.epu.kz