Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KZM 4215 Modern problems of conflictology төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Burayeva Zhanat Bauyrzhanovna

The purpose of the discipline:The course "Conflictology" is aimed at further implementation by future specialists of the tasks of education and personal development in the field of conflictology, formation of impartial activity in society.This course is based on scientific and methodological conditions for revealing the essence of communication psychology as a discipline, as well as based on the achievements of domestic and world psychological and social science. On the basis of studying and mastering the knowledge of the course of conflictology, students' mental thinking develops. Develops skills in the psychology of communication and conflict resolution in seminars and practical classes.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, Jigsaw method, creative learning methods, cloud technologies, IT- method, Case study method, modular learning technology.

1- applies ability to work together in the educational process with representatives of professional communities, law enforcement agencies, medical and social services, children’s and youth’s movements, youth organizations, etc. - studies, evaluates school experience, uses research results and other well-reasoned sources to improve the experience of their colleagues (LO6)
2- defines and applies social, pedagogical and psychological mechanisms for preventing and overcoming side effects; - able to prevent, identify, and eliminate pedagogical and psychological problems in their professional activities; - can diagnose abnormalities in the development and behavior of children and explains ways to regulate their relationship (LO10)
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The discipline is conflictology. Basic concepts
2The stage of formation of the science of conflictology
3Vidy conflict and psychological features
4Variety of conflicts
5Conflict and culture
6Description of internal and external causes of conflict
7Personal, interpersonal and business conflicts
8Leadership and conflict
9Psychological features of resolution of conflicts
10The main methods of conflict resolution
11Business games and conflict situations
12Pedagogical conflict. Structure and dynamics
13Individual technological works
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Karym-katynas psihologiyasy. K.Kulmukanova t.b. Oku kuraly, -Almaty, 2014 1. Қарым-қатынас психологиясы. К.Кулмуканова т.б. Оқу құралы, -Алматы, 2014
2Kikіlzhіn psihologiyasy. Oku kuraly. Bajbekova, M. M. 2022
3Konfliktologiya. Uchebnoe posobie. Stacenko, O. A. 2023
4Obshchaya psihologiya. Uchebnoe posobie, 2020. Dzhakupova S.
5Bolashak pedagogtardyn karym-katynas madenietіn kalyptastyru. Monografiya. Turkіstan, 2017. E.D.Orazbaev
6Prakticheskaya psihologiya.Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie Almaty,.2020.Kabakova