Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Креативті педагогика және психология Creative pedagogy and psychology Үшінші курс 6 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Alimbekova Sabira Sherekhanovna

Creative pedagogy and psychology ensure the development of a person's creative potential. It is aimed at the formation of pedagogical and psychological knowledge, skills, abilities and skills and the formation of the ability to achieve goals and use the creative direction. Ensures the correct organization of forms and methods of work carried out in the formation and development of the child's creativity.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, Jigsaw method, creative learning methods, cloud technologies, IT- method, Case study method, modular learning technology.

1- uses theoretical and experimental research methods; - form tolerance to the culture of other nations (pedagogical, psychological studies, electives, circles, business games, correctional and developmental groups, socio-psychological trainings and consultations, etc.) in the forms of professional activity (LО7).
2- able to work in a group, knows how to combine his own opinion and the opinion of the team, expresses high confidence in maintaining his views and ideals in resolving the conflict .; - perfectly master the traditions of the Kazakh people, analyze them in the framework of practical development; - able to work in a team, patiently perceive personal and cultural differences and interact with colleagues for professional development (LO12) .
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Form and subject of creative pedagogy, basic
2Psychological study of the concept of 'personality'
3Psychological study of the concept of' personality'
4Features of personality creativity
5Creative activity and creative ability
6The essence of the concepts of 'creativity, creativity' in the scientific literature
7Creative personality theories
8Trends in the development of acmeology in the modern education system
9The concept of pedagogical acmeology
10Creative learning
11Methods for diagnosing creativity and its development
12Features of the study of creativity by other scientists Guilford, Torrens, Bogoyavlensky.
13The level of development of personal qualities of creativity.
14Theoretical aspects of the problems of creativity and creativity.
15Consideration of the problem of creativity in pedagogical and psychological textbooks.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Creative pedagogy. Berkimbayev K., M. Yessekeshova, D. Mutanova. Training manual, - Turkestan, 2020
2Acmeology: the foundation of personal and social success. Training tool. B. A. Ospanova, K. M. Berkimbayev, N. Zh. Ibragimova, A. Zh. Boranbayeva. - Shymkent: Asem, 2018.
3Creative pedagogy. Berkimbayev K., Zh. Iseva, D. Mutanova, A. Tasova. Training manual, - Turkestan, 2018
4Pedagogy: creative pedagogy. Training manual, K. M. Berkimbayev, zh. B. Buraeva, G. P. Meirbekova. Turkestan, 2020.
5Teaching science and new educational practices. Educational manual.Volume 1-2. Nur-Sutan-Almaty, 2022. m. Kusainov, A. K. Kapitbaeva.
6Creativity and creative interests: theory, principles and development cards. 'No,' I Said. - Almaty, 2016.
7Formation of pedagogical creativity in an innovative educational environment: monograph. - Ust-Kamenogorsk: publishing house of EKSU named after S. Amanzholov, 2012. RSE. K. M. Nagymzhanova.