Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KGILATHOKW 4311 Kazakh Graphics in Latin and the History of Kazakh Writing төртінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. Koshanova N.D.

form a unified psychological and pedagogical approach to teaching in the direction of development of the alphabet of the Kazakh language in Latin;
- psychological and pedagogical support and recommendations in practice of effective training methods within the framework of the program;
- Discuss the development of modern affairs in Latin script;
- Adaptation to ICT technologies based on Latin script. Ontogenese the development of poemography writing, patterns cross-cutting areas used in Kazakh cultural life; and imparts skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, critical judgments to the interpretation of the text in Latin script. Knows the technology of record keeping in the state language, having studied the spelling on the Latin basis. In practice, he competently formulates and forms his point of view on the basis of Latin graphics.

Motivation for language teaching 

1. The method of working with the group.
2. The method of language analysis.
3. the method of critical thinking.
4. the method of brainstorming.
5. the method of structural analysis 
6. the method of developing learning 
7. the method of increasing professionalism.

1Understands and systematizes the problems of the history of the study of Turkic languages and peoples, groups of Turkic languages and features of the Kazakh language, stages of development and formation of the history of the Kazakh language. and directions;
2Study the main stages and ways of development of the language, learn to distinguish new phenomena from the structure of the modern Kazakh language and the remnants of the ancient language state;
3Reaches the level of scientific understanding of the main stages and methods of speech development and coordinates them in pedagogical practice;
4Uses methods and means of knowledge, exercises and self-control to improve their intellectual development, cultural development, professional competence, health, moral and physical well-being;
5uses new theoretical conclusions and data from recently published scientific studies in the field of Kazakh linguistics.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The purpose and task of the course 'Kazakh graphics on the Latin basis and the history of Kazakh writing'. A letter is a set of symbols.Ауызша
2Written speech and oral speech, their peculiarities. Types of writing: pictographic writing and pictograms.Ауызша
3Graphic symbols of the ideographic type of writingСөздік
4Information about alphabetic writing, its origin and ramifications.Ауызша
5Understanding of graphic linguistics, its divisions (terms) called paleography, epigraphy, graphics, orthography. Teaching grammar.Ауызша
6Views on the origin of ancient Turkic writing. Monuments found on the territory of Kazakhstan (Irtys, Ili, Zhambyl, Syrdarya, Talas), their scientific significanceСөздік
7The composition of the runic or Orkhon-Yenisei alphabet, its phonetics, the main correspondence system. Symbols of vowels and consonantsСөздік
8Orkhon inscriptions. Yenisei and Talas inscriptions Ancient Turkic monuments with Uyghur writing, their content.Ауызша
9Arabic graphics. Types of the Arabic alphabet and corresponding types of writing. Kazakh alphabet based on Arabic script.Ауызша
10Russian (Cyrillic) writing and orthography in the history of Kazakh writing.Сөздік
11Latin graphics. Distribution of Latin graphics among Turks and other nations, origin, history of developmentАуызша
12The importance of translating Kazakh writing into Latin. Phonological basis of new Kazakh writing.Ауызша
13Spelling of full and incoming words. Spelling of combined and separate wordsАуызша
14Spelling and orthography of foreign wordsСөздік
15Controversial issues around Kazakh graphics based on Latin and its solutionСөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Latın älipbïi: talqı, xalıqaralıq täjirïbe jäne nätïje. Qurastırğandar: N.Jumaxanova, Ä.Ïsmaïlova. – Nur-Sultan: «Ş.Şayaxmetov atındağı «Til-Qazına» ulttıq ğılımï-praktïkalıq ortalığı» KeAQ, 2020. – 264 bet.
2Älipbï. Éncïklopedïyalıq anıqtamalıq. Almatı, 2020. -368 b.