Kazakh Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KDS 3213 Syntax of Kazakh Language Үшінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. Koshanova N.D.

Knowledge of the phrase combination of the modern Kazakh language, a simple sentence, complex syntactic unity, text syntax demonstrate theoretical knowledge of the syntactic analysis of language data, language analysis skills are formed. Has the skills to prepare scientific projects. Forms the ability to self-education and independent work.Studying the phrase. The phrase and its meaning. Types of phrases. Nominal phrases. Verb phrases. The syntax of a simple sentence. Member of the proposal. A complex sentence. Compound sentences. The main types of allied and non-allied compound sentences, depending on their meanings. A compound sentence. Grouping of subordinate clauses. Someone else's word, its types. Text. Punctuation marks. Ways of formation and development of punctuation marks

Semantics of Kazakh Language

Morphology of Kazakh language 

1. The method of working with the group.
2. The method of language analysis.
3. the method of critical thinking.
4. the method of brainstorming.
5. the method of structural analysis 
6. the method of developing learning 
7. the method of increasing professionalism.

1knows the construction of the syntactic system of the language, the use of this system over communication; discusses, differentiates his knowledge of the syntactic system
2demonstrates theoretical knowledge of the modern Kazakh language about word combinations, simple sentences, complex sentences, complex syntactic integrity, text syntax in the syntactic analysis of language data, the skill of language analysis is formed;
3can determine the theoretical foundations of the modern Kazakh language, its place in the system of general sciences
4objectively assesses the knowledge, skills and abilities of students using modern teaching methods and techniques.
5is able to plan the educational process and apply the methodology and basic theories of education in its implementation.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of syntax. The word and the syntax of its form. The syntax of the sentence. Text syntaxАуызша
2Phrase.The state of the study of the phrase.The word combination and its meaning.Ауызша
3Views on the ways of combining words and forms of communication.Ауызша
4Types of phrases. Nominal phrases.Сөздік
5Verb phrases.Ауызша
6The syntax of a simple sentence. The concept of a sentence member. The main members of the proposal. Agreement of the subject with the predicateАуызша
7Minor members of the sentence.Сөздік
8Author's topic: Sentence members expressed by stable phrases in the Kazakh language.Сөздік
9Ways to complicate a simple sentence. Complication of a simple sentence by homogeneous terms. Complication of a simple sentence through compound terms, determinants. Complication of a simple sentence with isolated words. The order of the words in the sentence.Ауызша
10Types of offers.Separation of sentences according to the purpose of pronunciationАуызша
11A complex sentence. Compound sentences. The main types of allied and non-allied proposals, depending on their meanings.Сөздік
12A compound sentence. Grouping of subordinate clauses.Ауызша
13Someone else's speech: direct speech and indirect speechАуызша
14Text syntaxСөздік
15Punctuation marks. Ways of formation and development of punctuation marks.Сөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Qoşanova N. Qazirgi qazaq tiliniñ jay söylem sïntaksïsi. Oqw quralı, Türkistan, 2018.
2Qazirgi qazaq tilindegi sïntaksïstik paradïgmalar. – Almatı: Memlekettik tildi damıtw ïnstïtwtı, 2016
3Qoşanova N. Qazirgi qazaq tilindegi turaqtı tirkesterdiñ sïntaksïstik qızmeti. Oqw quralı. Türkistan, 2017
4Jılqıbaeva M.S. Qazirgi qazaq tiliniñ sïntaksïsi. Oqw quralı, Almatı: «Évero», 2022