General Medicine
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KDN 3307 Clinical Skills Basics Үшінші курс 11 330 0 5 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
Aytmetova G.A., Azimhanova G.K., Nurmanova N.J., Tulegenova İ.J., Serdalieva İ.B.

The basics of clinical skills are the fundamental in the study of therapeutic disciplines by students.  This subject covers history taking, examination, and physical examination of the patient, as well as semiotics, i.e. the interpretation of data obtained during the examination of the patient. Much attention is paid to syndromic diagnosis, as it is the foundation for teaching students the ability to correctly identify the main diseases of internal organs.

Internal diseases
anatomy basics and medical terminology


Practical classes: effective feedback on mastering competencies. Oral analysis, practical skill development: general examination, inspection and palpation, percussion and auscultation by systems (in small groups); questioning and physical examination of patients with pathology by systems; solving situational tasks, working in small groups, analyzing clinical cases, business and role-playing games.

Self-study of students under the guidance of a teacher (SSG): effective feedback on mastering competencies. Oral analysis, practical skill development: general examination, inspection and palpation, percussion and auscultation by systems (in small groups); questioning and physical examination of patients with pathology by systems; solving situational tasks, recording a fragment from the medical history.

Independent work of students (IWS): practice of practical skills in a simulation center; taking care of patients, working with literature, electronic databases, preparing tests on topics with answers.


1DLR1- remembers normative indicators for research methods (palpation, percussion, auscultation) according to the systems and the normative indicators for them;
2DLR2- understands the main clinical symptoms and syndromes in pathologies of various systems;
3DLR3- applies his knowledge when performing questioning, examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation of patients and other skills according to the systems;
4DLR4- performs precise questioning, examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation of patients by systems and other skills;
5DLR5- in behavior and actions, he realizes the value and organizes his actions correctly.
6DLR6- when studying the discipline, he applies the acquired knowledge on prerequisites and this discipline;
7DLR7- in behavior and actions, it gives the value of scientific discoveries
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Methods of examining the area of the heart, large and peripheral blood vessels. Palpation of the precordial region, large and peripheral blood vessels. Pulse examination.Ауызшаtest
2Technique and method of percussion of the heart. Normal boundaries of the heart.Ауызшаtest
3Technique and method of auscultation of the heart and blood vessels. Normal heart sounds.Ауызшаtest
4Electrocardiography method. Interpretation of the electrocardiogram.Ауызша және жазбаша
5Methods of examining the respiratory system: inspection and palpation of the chest, comparative and topographical percussion in adults.Ауызшаtest
6Rules and technique of auscultation of the lungs. Basic breath sounds.Ауызшаtest
7Functional methods of examining the respiratory system. Normal indicators.Ауызшаtest
8General examination, abdominal examination. Surface palpation of the abdomen, percussion, auscultation.Ауызшаtest
9Deep palpation of the abdomen (stomach, intestines, pancreas).Ауызшаtest
10Palpation and percussion of the liver and bile ducts.Ауызшаtest
11Laboratory methods for diagnosing the function of the digestive system, analysis of normal indicators.Ауызша және жазбашаtest
12Methods of physical and laboratory examination of the urinary system. Normal indicators.Ауызшаtest
13Methods of clinical and laboratory examination of the blood-forming organs. Normal indicators.Ауызшаtest
14Examination of the thyroid gland and its palpation. Laboratory methods of examination of the endocrine system. Normal indicators.Ауызшаtest
15Methods of examining the musculoskeletal system. Laboratory methods for examining the function of the musculoskeletal system. Normal indicators.Ауызшаtest
16Understanding the scheme of the medical history. Main complaints of patients with cardiovascular diseases, mechanisms of their development. Questioning and examination of patients.Ауызшаtest
17Syndrome of valvular heart disease: mitral valve stenosis and insufficiency, aortic valve stenosis and insufficiency. Tricuspid valve insufficiency. Causes. Hemodynamics. Symptoms. Main methods of examination.Ауызшаtest
18Syndrome of coronary insufficiency (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction). Causes. Symptoms. Main methods of examination.Ауызшаtest
19Essential arterial hypertension syndrome. Causes. Symptoms. Main methods of examination.Ауызшаtest
20Syndrome of acute and chronic heart failure (left and right ventricular). Acute vascular insufficiency (fainting, collapse, shock). Causes. Symptoms. Main methods of examination.Ауызшаtest
21Questioning complaints, medical history and lifestyle of patients with respiratory system pathology. Syndrome of lung tissue consolidation. Syndrome of presence of a cavity in the lung. Causes, symptoms, methods of examination.Ауызшаtest
22Syndrome of bronchial obstruction. Syndrome of fluid and air accumulation in the pleural cavity. Syndrome of respiratory insufficiency (acute and chronic). Causes, symptoms, methods of examination.Ауызшаtest
23Questioning complaints, development history, and life history of patients with diseases of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, and pancreas. Syndromes: dysphagia, gastric and intestinal dyspepsia. Syndrome of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Causes, symptoms, methods of investigation.Ауызшаtest
24Questioning complaints, development history, and life history of patients with liver and biliary tract diseases. Jaundice syndrome. Liver insufficiency syndrome. Causes, symptoms, methods of investigation. Methods of laboratory investigation of liver and biliary tract function.Ауызшаtest
25Questioning complaints, development history, and life history of patients with kidney and urinary tract diseases. Methods of laboratory investigation in kidney and urinary tract pathology.Ауызшаtest
26Clinical and laboratory characteristics of urinary, nephritic, and nephrotic syndromes, chronic kidney insufficiency syndrome. Causes, symptoms, methods of investigation.Ауызшаtest
27Questioning complaints, development history, and life history of patients with blood system diseases. Methods of clinical examination of patients with blood system diseases. Clinical characteristics of anemic syndrome. Causes, symptoms. Methods of laboratory investigation of patients.Ауызшаtest
28Clinical characteristics of anemic, hemorrhagic, myelo- and lymphoproliferative syndromes. Causes, symptoms. Methods of laboratory investigation of patients.Ауызшаtest
29Collection of complaints, development history, and life history of patients with endocrine system diseases. Clinical manifestations of hyper- and hypoglycemia, hyper- and hypothyroidism syndromes. Causes, symptoms, methods of investigation.Ауызшаtest
30Inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Causes, symptoms.Ауызшаtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Negızgı ädebietter: 1. Işkı aurular propedevtikasy, Oqulyq. GEOTAR-Media, Moskva, 2015j. N.A.Muhin, B.S.Moiseev, B.B.Abdahina. 2. «Işkı aurular propedevtikasy» pänınıñ klinikalyq därısterı, Oqu qūraly. Almaty, 2023j. Ahmetov Q.J. Elektrondyq oqulyqtar: 1. Işkı aurular propedevtikasy, I-tom,2020, V.H.Vasilenko, V.V.Vasilenko. Jauapty redaktor: Asqambai K. 2. Işkı aurular propedevtikasy, II-tom,2018, V.H.Vasilenko, V.V.Vasilenko. Jauapty redaktor: Asqambai K. 3. Işkı aurular propedevtikasy, III-tom,2020, V.H.Vasilenko, V.V.Vasilenko. Jauapty redaktor: Asqambai K.