Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KAM 3301 Literary Translation Practice Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Makenova Gaukhar Tanirbergenovna

The course "Literary Translation Practice" acquaints students with fundamentals of artistic translation. This course focuses on enriching lexico-phraseological resources in foreign language in the translation of artistic text, to apply various methods of grammatical, lexical and complex transformation and to take into account stylistic approaches in the original text.


Translation Practice II

1. work in group, work in pair
2. creative thinking
3. Brainstorming
4. Notetaking techniques
5. Modular teaching technology
6. TBL-Task based learning

11. Forms and improves listening and speaking, reading and writing skills by improving grammatical, phonetic, lexical knowledge;
22. Conducts phonetic, morphematic, syntactic and comment analysis;
33. Increases practical and professional qualifications
44. Making two-way free written translation: in order to translate the communicative-logical integrity of the text, makes a written translation using syntactic methods, lexical, grammatical and stylistic alternatives;
55. Uses methods of compression and decompression of the content of speech, ways of dividing and combining sentences during translation in order to construct logical connections between sentences.
66. Understands the oral text correctly and performs two-way oral translation using translational transformations; Fluency in a foreign language, especially knowing its spoken language and idiomatic expressions.
77. Freely uses colloquial language, idioms, and phraseological expressions of the English language in literal translation;
88. Forms the ethics of literary translation
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Lecture: Literary translation and its features Seminar: Introduction: What is literary translation?
2Lecture: Literary and non-literary translation Seminar: The differences between Literary and non-literary
3Lecture: Literary Translation: Aspects of Pragmatic Meaning Seminar: Pragmatic Translation of Politeness
4Lecture: Literary translation: techniques Seminar: Adaptation. Borrowing. Elision. Linguistic amplification. Compensation.
5Lecture: Translation equivalence Seminar: Types of translation equivalence
6Lecture: Literary translation: problems Seminar: Lack of literalness in translation. Cultural barriers.
7Lecture: Culture-specific Items in Literary Translation Seminar: In-class Translation Assignment Translation of a selected short story
8Lecture: Idioms and phraseological units in Translation Seminar: Idioms and phraseological units in English and Kazakh
9Lecture: Translation of proverbs and sayings Seminar: Proverbs and sayings in English and Kazakh
10Lecture: Translation of proper names in non-fiction texts Seminar: In-class Translation Assignment Translation of a selected short story
11Lecture: Literary translation: Novel translation Seminar: Translation Practice
12Lecture: Literary translation: Drama translation Seminar: Translation Practice
13Lecture: Literary translation: Poetry translation Seminar: Translation Practice
14Lecture: Translation of children’s literature Seminar: Translation Practice
15Lecture: Translation in the 21st century Seminar: Machine translation
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Methods of Translation. Translation techniques (in English). Urazbaev K., Segizova G., Abdulkhakov A. Turkestan. Turan publishing house, 2018
2Literature as Translation/ Translation as Literature. Textbook. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014 Christopher Conti and James Gourley
3Fundamentals of translation theory and practice (in Kazakh and English). Educational and methodological tool. Pavlodar: PMPI, 2014. A. B. Akhmetova
4A Manual of literary translation: Textbook. - Kostanay: KSU im. A. Baitursynova, 2017. - 109 p. S.S. Zhabaeva