Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IST 6322 Interpretation of Sacred Texts Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Ussainova Akmonshak Nurlanovna

The discipline is aimed at a comparative analysis of the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam using modern methods. As a result of studying the discipline, the master student analyzes theological texts using hermeneutic and semantic methods related to the creeds in monotheistic religions, such as the nature of God, prophet, angel, man, world, fate and the afterlife. Understands the meaning of the general texts of sacred books, develops a tolerant attitude in the sphere of interreligious relations.



Group work, group project work method, project work method, professional skill improvement method.

1independently researches and voluntarily modifies literature on theological texts and issues
2integrates knowledge about the nature and specificity of theological texts, the main modern concepts of the science of religion in the integration processes of the formation of a modern unified culture
3assumes responsibility for pedagogical and psychological diagnosis and establishes communication
4preserves the religious-legal conditions of tolerance and secularism in intercultural, interethnic, interconfessional relations
5modifies business and skills in the scope of constructive dialogue
6takes responsibility for communication and pedagogical cooperation in a multicultural, multi-ethical, multi-confessional society and shows mutual connection
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Problems of teaching and educational activities of Tafsir scienceАуызша
2Problems and recommendations of the history of interpretationАуызша
3Methods of teaching tafsirАуызша
4The importance of context in interpreting the Qur'anАуызша
5Understanding the Qur'an from an external and internal point of viewпрезентация
6The problem of handling the Qur'an without cleanlinessпрезентация
7Mutashabih (difficult to understand) verses and their interpretationАуызша
8Naskh issuesЖазбашаАуызша
9Blessings in the Qur'anпрезентация
10Understanding the stories of the Qur'anпрезентация
11Considering the incident of Garanik as a matter of tafsirАуызша
12Evaluation of the opinion of evolutionary creation in the Qur'anпрезентация
13Reincarnation analysesпрезентация
14Interpretation of verses related to Jihadпрезентация
15The importance of the science of interpretationАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Methods of interpretation of Islamic sources, textbook, -Almaty 2020, K.S. Bagasharov
2History and methodology of interpretation. Educational tool. J. E. Nurmatov. - Shymkent: Alem, 2020
3Interpretation methodology, I. Tried. - Ankara: [p. i.], 2016