Music Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HZh 3308 Conducting the Choir Үшінші курс 4 120 1 2
Course Descriptions
Tobagabylova Aizhan Zhunusovna

It is studied with the aim of forming a conducting complex among students, educating qualified specialists who are able to demonstrate knowledge and skills to the extent necessary for further practical activity as a conductor of a choral collective and a teacher of choral disciplines in children's art schools, music schools, institutions of additional education, general education institutions.

Choral conducting III, IV; Choral Class II, III

Choral conducting I, II; choral class I, Harmony

Group work, the method of improving professional skills, the method of modular learning technology, brainstorming, the method of developing training, the method of improving professional skills, the method of musical and pedagogical technologies.

For students with disabilities, together with structural divisions, the teaching methods, forms, type of control and amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptive disciplines (modules) can be changed by the subject teacher.

1Forms leadership qualities, taking independent decisions on the basis of collection and critical analysis of data in the studied area.
2Іmproves performing skills when working with the choir, forming conducting and choral skills, as well as skills of voice production, selection of vocal and choral repertoire, playing musical instruments.
3ПОН 3 – талдау нәтижесінде өз бетінше шешімдер қабылдау арқылы хор ұжымының көшбасшылық қабілеттерін мектепте хор жүргізуде қолданады.
4ПОН 4 – балалардың жас ерекшелігіне дауыс мүмкіндігін, жас шамасына қарай дауысын қалыптастырады, вокалдық-хор репертуарын таңдау, талдау, үйрету мен орындауға дағдыланған. Хор ұжымын үйымдастыру, жұмыс жасау қызметін меңгерген, дирижерлік-хор дағдыларын қолданып хорға жетекшілік етеді.
5ПОН 5 – аспаптық және әншілік орындаушылық шеберлігі қалыптасқан, халық әндері, Қазақстан композиторларының әндерін, шетел туындыларын орындауға қабілетті.
6ПОН 6 – хордың көркемдік жетешісі, дирижеры ретінде ерекше қасиеттерін іс-жүзінде дайындық пен сахнада жүзеге асырады.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Russian professional choirs.
2Development of choral culture in Kazakhstan.
3The role of the choir in aesthetic education in folk pedagogy.
4Events promoting choral art and outstanding choral conductors and composers.
5Areas of cultural education: theater, student palace, school, various public houses.
6Choir genres. Types of chorus.
7Organization of choral teams.
8Elements of vocal-choir technique.
9Intonation, the conductor's role in working with structure.
10The main methods of artistic performance in the choir.
11The importance of repertoire selection.
12Methods of the artistic director while working with choral works.
13Didactic basics of teaching children to sing.
14The role of the conductor's movement in teaching the composition to children.
15Training of conductor professions. Special qualities of a conductor before going on stage.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Tobagabylova A.J., Conducting the choir. Educational tool. Shymkent: 'Alem' publishing house, 2019. - 196 p.
22. Sydykova R. Sh., R. Salmanov, A. A. Abirova, A. T. Dosbaganbetova, A. J. Tobagabylova, D. N. Elzhanov, K.A. Esdauletova Chrestomatiya po Kazakh choral music. Volume II, Shymkent: Typography 'Alem', 2019. - 216 p.
33. Kuzdeubaeva A.B., A collection of works for the students' choir. Educational tool. Shymkent: 'Musical Innovation Laboratory', 2020.
44. Bogdanova Z.N., Utesheva A.J. Choir class and choir practice. Educational tool. Shymkent. Musical and innovative laboratory'. 2020.
55. Gevich SN. Choral class. Study guide. Shymkent: RSIU. 'Musical-innovative laboratory'. 2019.
66. Gevich S.N., Choral class. Study guide Shymkent: RSIU, 2019.