Music Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HK 3254 Choir Class І Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Tobagabylova Aizhan Zhunusovna

It is studied with the aim of educating students of vocal and choral skills and singing skills in an academic choir, developing musical and creative abilities, tolerant perception of social, cultural and personal differences in the process of studying and performing choral repertoire. Students acquire the initial skills of teaching in a choral group, singing techniques, learning their a cappella part.

Choir Class ІІ

Choral Conducting І

Group work, the method of improving professional skills, the method of modular learning technology, brainstorming, the method of developing training, the method of improving professional skills, the method of musical and pedagogical technologies.

For students with disabilities, together with structural divisions, the teaching methods, forms, type of control and amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptive disciplines (modules) can be changed by the subject teacher.

1Іmproves performing skills when working with the choir, forming conducting and choral skills, as well as skills of voice production, selection of vocal and choral repertoire, playing musical instruments.
2Рlans the educational process using innovative technologies in the field of music education, contributing to the development of musical creativity, emotional expressiveness.
3ПОН 3– хордың көркемдік жетешісі, дирижеры ретінде ерекше қасиеттерін іс-жүзінде дайындық пен сахнада жүзеге асырады.
4ПОН 4 – Хор ұжымының оқу-тәрбие процесін жоспарлай алады. Хорды түрлеріне қарай ажырата алады, соған сәйкес үйымдастыру жұмыстарын жүргізеді.
5ПОН 5 – Шығармамен жұмыс жасауда эмоционалды экспрессивтілікті дамытуға ықпал ететін музыкалық білім беру саласындағы инновациялық технологияларды қолдана алады.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The importance and purpose of the choir. The formation and development of choral art. Development of choral art in Kazakhstan. Vocal-choral exercises
2The purpose and content of vocal works. Singing rules. Singer's breath: a) breathing at a fast pace; b) breathing at a simple tempo; c) short breaths between musical phrases that are not limited to pauses.
3Partial breathing. Works with medium accents.
4Origin of sound: a) cantilenaly; b) flexibility; c) mobility.
5Development of the creative potential of young people and children. Modern trends in choral art. Development of creative maturity of young people and children through choral art.
6Choral genres. Types of choir.
7Work on organizing choral groups.
8Elements of vocal-choral technique.
9Intonation, the role of the conductor in working with stroy.
10The main tricks of artistic and expressive performance in the choir.
11The importance of choosing a repertoire. Methods of working with the choral repertoire. Concert performance.
12Approaches of the artistic director in the process of working with choral works.
13Didactic foundations of teaching children to sing.
14The role of the conductor's movement in the process of teaching a work to children.
15Training of conductor specialties. Special qualities of a conductor before going on stage.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Tobagabylova A. Zh., Conducting the choir. Training manual. Shymkent: Printing House' Alem', 2019. – 196 P.
22. Sydykova R. Sh., R. Salmanov, A. A. Abirova, A. T. Dosbaganbetova, A. Zh.Tobagabylova, D. N. Yelzhanov, K. A. Esdauletova anthology on Kazakh folk music.Volume II, Shymkent: typography 'Alem', 2019. - 216 PP.
33. Kuzdeubaeva A. B., Collection of works for the choir of students. Training manual. Shymkent: 'Music and innovation laboratory', 2020.
44. Bogdanova Z. N., Utesheva A. Zh. choral class and choral work workshop. Training manual. Shymkent. Music and innovation laboratory'. 2020.
55. Gevich S. N. Khorovoy class. 'I don't know,' he said. Shymkent: RSIU. 'Music and innovation laboratory'. 2019.
66. Gevich S. N., Khorovoy class. Shymkent: RSIU, 2019.