Music Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
HDI 3256 Choral Conducting IІІ Үшінші курс 5 150 - - 3
Course Descriptions
Tobagabylova Aizhan Zhunusovna

It is studied in order to form the skills and techniques of conducting technique, the art of choir management, methods of analyzing works of vocal and choral genre, selection of school repertoire, technology of rehearsal work on vocal and choral score. Demonstrate the ability and willingness to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in conducting techniques in practical and professional activities, independently carrying out practical work with choral groups.

Choral Conducting ІV

Choral Conducting ІІ

The method of developing training, the method of improving professional skills, the technology of modular training.

For students with disabilities, together with structural divisions, the teaching methods, forms, type of control and amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptive disciplines (modules) can be changed by the subject teacher.

1Organizes pedagogical processes, taking into account the psycho-physiological and age characterictics of chidren.
2Іmproves performing skills when working with the choir, forming conducting and choral skills, as well as skills of voice production, selection of vocal and choral repertoire, playing musical instruments.
3ПОН 3 - мектеп репертуарындағы әндерді талдайды, үйретеді, балалардың әншілік қабілеттерін дамытады.
4ПОН 4 – дирижерлық тәсілдердегі жай өлшемдер мен күрделі өлшемдердің айырмашылығын көрсете алады.
5ПОН 5 – аспапта хор партитурасымен, хор партияларымен жұмыс, жалпы хормен жұмыс істеу кезінде орындаушылық шеберлікті арттырады;
6ПОН 6 – халық әндерінің, хорға арналған шығармалардың пайда болып дамуы туралы тарихи деректер бере алады. Хор шығармаларының мазмұны, тақырыптары, құрылымы, музыкалық тілінің ерекшеліктері туралы мәліметтер бере алады;
7ПОН 7 - дирижер өзінің шеберлігімен әр түрлі құбылмалы, бірте-бірте ойда жоқта кездесетін динамикалық белгілердің композитордың шығармасының көңіл-күйін көрсете алады.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Conducting education and experience.
2Work with the conducting apparatus.
3Development of conducting techniques complex dimensions
4Improving conducting practice, learning the school repertoire.
5Work with choral scores, choral parties.
6Improvement of conducting techniques, complex dimensions.
7Sound driving description (staccato, Marcato)
8Difference between simple dimensions and complex dimensions in conducting methods (2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 5/6 fractional dimensions).
96/4; 6/8 get used to ways to bring dimensions to six or two.
10Development of acquired abilities when working with specific choral works.
11Instrumental Performance of songs from the school repertoire with accompaniment.
12Conducting acapella works with accompaniment from the school repertoire.
13The history of the performed works, data on the poet and composer who wrote the speech, playing or voicing the main melody in the work, performing musical terms found in the work. Development of vocal and choral techniques.
14Dynamics. Ways to deliver moving dynamics. Short christchendo, Diminuendo, ritenuto, Luft pause.
15With his skill, the conductor demonstrates the mood of the composer's work by various volatile, gradually absent-mindedly occurring dynamic features. Improving the conducting qualities of the children's choir in preparatory and stage performances.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Kuzdeubaeva A. B. Сollection of works for the choir of students. Training manual. Shymkent. 'Music and innovation laboratory'. 2020.
22. Bogdanova Z. N. Сhoral class and choral work workshop. Training manual Shymkent. 2020. Music and innovation laboratory'.
33. Gevich S. N. Khorovoy class. 'I don't know,' he said. Shymkent: RSIU. 2019. 'Music and innovation laboratory'.
44. Kuzdeubaeva A. B. Fomization of scientific and pedagogical skills of navykov artistry of the future teacher of music. Monograph. Shymkent 2020 Publishing House' Alem', ISBN 978-601-275-414-8
55. N. Zhanpeisov, M. Abugazy Publishing House Danesh Rakishev Merey 'Sayynda Almany' 2017 ISVN 979-0-803854-14-6