Математика мұғалімдерін даярлау
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
FR 32108 Functional Series Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
K.J. Nazarova

The discipline introduces to the theory of series. Forms students' skills of quantitative series, their convergence, convergence and uniformity of functional series, classification of functions into power series. Students learn to investigate numerical series for convergence, find the radii of convergence of functional and power series, and consider the classification of Maclaurin and Taylor series by examples.

Group work, blitz-questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case-stage, developmental teaching method, poster protection creativity teaching methods, Group work, cloud technology, IT method, Case-study method, group project work method, professional skill improvement method, problem composition method, Modular teaching technology.

1Solves fundamental and applied mathematical problems using basic methods and laws of mathematics (LO 9);
2Builds mathematical models of processes and phenomena in solving applied practical problems (LO 10);
3Uses theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods in the study of problems in various areas of mathematics (LO 11).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Number series. Properties of cumulative series. Cauchy criterion of series convergence.презентация
2Comparison of rows. Cauchy, Dalembert, Raabe, Gauss signs of convergence of positive series.презентация
3Strings with variable characters. Absolute and conditional convergence. Leibniz's symbol.презентация
4Dirichlet and Abel signs of convergence. Riemann's theorem.презентация
5Functional chains and series. Smooth compactness. Weierstrass, Dirichlet, Abel signs of uniform compactness.презентация
6Point convergence. Properties of uniformly assembled series and chains. (Continuity, transition to the limit).презентация
7Properties of uniform series and series. (integration, differentiation).презентация
8Endless multiplication, and bringing them into series.презентация
9Degree series. Assembly radius and wheel. Abel's theorem.презентация
10Cauchy-Hadamard formula. Concept of analytical functions.презентация
11Classification of functions into degree series.презентация
12Fourier trigonometric series. Tendency of coefficients of Fourier series to zero. Dirichlet kernel and integral.презентация
13Medium and point compactness.презентация
14Differentiation and integration of Fourier series by terms.презентация
15Smooth convergence and rate of convergence of Fourier series.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1H.I. Ibrashev, Sh.T. Erkeǵulov. Matematıkalyq analız kýrsy. Oqýlyq. - Novoe ızd. – Almaty. Ekonomıka, 2014. 562b RMEB.
2Á.J. Ásibekov, M.D.Qoshanova. Matematıkalyq taldaý: Oqý quraly. 2018j.
3H.T. Otarov. Matematıkalyq analız. Oqýlyq – Almaty. Ekonomıka, 2012.-536 b. RMEB.
4O. A. Jáýtikov. Matematıkalyq analız kýrsy. Oqýlyq.- Almaty : 'Ekonomıka' baspasy, 2014. - 832 s. RMEB.