Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
FE 4387 Food ecology төртінші курс 5 150 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
Sunakbayeva Dilara Kakharovna

Training in the possession of systems of state standards in the field of manufacturing of tools and equipment, metrological and environmental support, as well as life safety. Documentation in the field of certification of environmental standards



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, poster protection, teamwork, Case-study method

1Uses food safety issues;
2Knows and evaluates the value of food and the environmental friendliness of consumption;
3Hygienic standards of microorganisms know;
4Knows the negative effects that can occur when using food products.
5Forms and masters the concept of undesirable processes of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds, nitrates and nitrites, pesticides;
6Undesirable contamination of food products with heavy metal, radioactive substances
7Forms the understanding of the environmental properties of food products and food waste, its disposationapplied
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1General information on nutrition and hygienic requirements for food productsАуызша
2Food safetyАуызша
3Food valueАуызша және жазбаша
4Microbiological indicators of food safetyАуызша және жазбаша
5Sanitary indicators of microorganismsЖазбаша
6Dioxins and dioxin-like compoundЖазбаша
7Nitrates, nitrites and nitroso compoundstest
9Contamination with substances and compounds used in animal husbandryСөздік
10Food contamination with toxic elementsСөздік
11Contamination of food products with lead, arsenic, aluminum and cadmiumАуызша
12Contamination of food products with copper, tin and chromiumАуызша
13Fundamentals of radiation safety of food raw materials and food productsЖазбаша
14Environmental friendliness of consumer goodsАуызша
15Food waste and rules for their disposaltest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Voronova N. V., Tanybayeva A. K., Kerimkulova A. B., Rysmagambetova A. A. Gıda Ekolojisi. Eğitim ve öğretim yardımı. Almatı.Kazak Üniversitesi, 2019 – - 180 S.
22.Kodarov B. R., Erezhepov A. E. Tahılların, tahılların ve teknik kültürlerin biyokimyası:.- Almatı, 2015. - 298 S.
33.çevre koruma sorunları: sürdürülebilir bir geleceğe bakış. [Metin]. 4.kafa. / - Almatı: Era, 2017. - 320 s. oud.ingilizce dilinde. Abiyeva G. B., Zhomartova G. J.
44. A. J. Akbasova, G. A. Sainova. Çevre atölyesi. Almatı, 2014. Uygulama:
5N.L.Batsukova, Ben Marchodsky. Gıda hijyeni.Gıda ürünlerinin hijyenik muayenesinde laboratuvar atölyesi. En yüksek okul; Minsk; 2016. - 38c .
6W. J. Timan, MA Palladino. Biyoteknolojiye giriş, RK Üniversiteleri Birliği, Almatı-2013, s. 456. http: / / rmebrk. kz / search/
7A. D. Akbasova, O. A. Isakov, G. Sainova. Tarımın, vermiürünlerin ve biyolojik preparatların rasyonel kullanımı yoluyla tarımın yeşillendirilmesi,978-601-205-546-7, Almatı-2015, sayfa 176 ,