Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EOY 3223 Methods of Teaching Literatur Үшінші курс 4 120 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. P.Adiyeva

The purpose of the discipline is the formation of knowledge about the methods used in teaching literature, teaching works of art based on genre characteristics, innovations and technologies in the modern education system. He comprehensively applies the acquired knowledge in mastering all disciplines, writing various scientific research, creative works in literary disciplines, during internships, in future professions. Knows the pedagogical requirements for communicating with students in the educational and educational process.

Рroblems Theory of Literature

Introduction to Literary Studies

1. Work in pair, creative thinking, task-based learning 
2. Colloborative and cooperative learning
3. Critical thinking 
4. Brainstorming, case study
5. Project-based learning 

1-introduces the specifics of the updated educational program, the content of education on the spiral Principle, provides mastery of the content of education through Bloom's taxonomy; explains the system of criteria assessment, forms the skills necessary for the practical application of the updated educational program; learns to work effectively in a team, develop leadership skills, use ICT in teaching the discipline.
22-master the theoretical, methodological foundations of the methodology of teaching literature, learn to distinguish the nature, analyze the opinions of famous scientists and thinkers in recognizing the nature and social significance of the subject.
33-systematizes the stages of formation of the methodology of teaching literature.
44-will be able to learn and apply training methods that have been achieved at the highest level in the world in the use of modern information technologies.
55-knows how to analyze a work of art.
66-forms the skills of self-regulation, which allows future specialists to learn on their own.
77-explains the ways to develop personal potential, professional values of a teacher. uses new theoretical conclusions and conclusions of recently published scientific research.
88-applies the acquired knowledge of the discipline to self-development, improving professional activity, increasing creativity.
99-learn to work in a team
1010 - 'Bloom's taxonomy' in the literature lesson, master the ways of drawing up a plan for the development of ESP, ESP, NMS, SMS, SMS and apply it to the proposal of new solutions.
1111-can use literature textbooks and anthologies taught in schools in the educational base and systematize the acquired knowledge.
1212-studying the law of Education, the rights and obligations of a student and teacher, the ability to distinguish between the concepts of teaching methods in connection with other scientific disciplines and art forms of literature is formed.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Formation of methods of teaching Kazakh literature as a science and updated knowledge.Ауызша
2The history of Russian-Kazakh schools, the system of teaching, which were first opened on the Kazakh land. Modern views of the views of Kazakh educators in educationАуызша
3Theoretical Changes in the teaching of literature in the Soviet era and the concept of new knowledgeСөздік
4Methods of planning the course of basic knowledge and historical and literary course in teaching literature, manifestations in updated educationАуызша
5Types of literature lessons. Literature textbooks and trainingАуызша
6Methods used in teaching literature, the use of visualization methodsСөздік
7Development of new pedagogical technologies with high efficiency along with traditional methods to improve the quality of Education.Сөздік
8Features of teaching a work of art depending on the genre specifics. Methods of distance learning of epic worksАуызша
9Learning lyrics. Perception,understanding, understanding of lyrics, reasoning about the power of poetryАуызша
10Teaching dramatic works. Features of teaching methods in accordance with the genre features and patterns of dramatic worksСөздік
11Theoretical Teaching a work of art. Pedagogical principles of the analysis of an artistic work. Types of analysis of a literary textАуызша
12Literature lesson. Parts and features of the literature lessonАуызша
13Types of training in relation to the purpose and objectives of the education system, types of training in force in today's school. Stages of training based on the updated educational program.Ауызша
14Conclusion. New teacher in updated knowledge.Сөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.methodological system for preparing future teachers for the use of national mobile games in the educational process at school. Monograph. 2013. A. Mamraimov
22.methods of teaching literature. Monograph. Almaty, 2014. T. Zhumazhanova
33. zh. Kamalovna theoretical and methodological problems of Kazakh literature (epic works): textbook, Bastau-Almaty, 2017
44. ' we are together!'We are!' Diagnostic activities in pedagogical practice at school within the framework of the project'. Educational and methodical manual. 2018. K. Sh. Moldasan, U. B. Tuleshova, A.m. Kudaibergenova
55. Adiyeva P. methods of teaching Kazakh literature: a manual .- Turkestan: Turan publishing house, 2020. - 149 pages.
61. Boranbayeva a, Isaeva zh., Berkimbayev K., methodology and methodology of pedagogical research in the Kazakh language and literature. Training manual. - Shymkent, 2018. 279 P
72. Zhumakaeva B. D. 81.methods of teaching Kazakh literature: textbook – Zhumakaeva B. D. Almaty, Publishing House 'Women's university', 2015. – 242 pages.