Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ELCL 3209 English Language (C1 level) Үшінші курс 5 150 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Kurban Arujan

Forming the skills of using a foreign language at the level of C1, by means of intercultural learning and professional direction. The development of different types of oral and written language skills, the enhancement of speaking skills; ability to read and comprehend texts at C1 level; Successful use of grammatical forms and grammatical constructions.


English Language (B1 level)

1. Work with a group
2. Work in pairs
3. Teaching and learning
4. Brainstorm
5. Case study method
6. Protection of posters, developmental teaching method

11 - Forms and develops listening and speaking, reading and writing skills through the development of grammatical, phonetic and vocabulary knowledge;
22 - Performs phonetic, morphemic syntactic and component analysis;
33 - actualizes practical and professional knowledge;
44 - Forms the theoretical knowledge of linguistics as part of philology - the science of linguistic activity, the nature, various aspects and specifics of the theoretical aspect of linguistics accumulates knowledge about the main directions, schools, concepts and theories of modern linguistics;
55 - improves knowledge of the structure of the language and the principles of the theory of language as the central methodological problem of all modern science;
66- develops skills of professional theoretical and linguistic thinking;
77 – Explains the theoretical aspects of linguistics from a historical point of view
88 - Forms communication skills, through the development of the necessary knowledge about the basic laws and mechanisms of this process, its structure and forms;
99 - uses the specific techniques of effective interaction and develops communication skills;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Questions and answers It's a mystery
2Doctor, doctor! Act your age
3Fasten your seat belts
4A really good ending?
5Stormy weather A risky business
6I'm a survivor
7Wish you were here
8Night night Music to my ears
9Let's not argue It's all an act
10Cutting crime
11Fake news
12Good business?
13Super cities
14Science fact, science-fiction
15Free speech
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1English File Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Coursebook. Oxford University Press, 2017. Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden, & Kate Chomacki.
2English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate Vocabulary Reference and Practice. With Answers. Cambridge, 2013. M. McCarthy, F. O'Dell.
3QSE Student's Book and Workbook. Brookemead English Language Teaching, London, UK, 2016
4Vocabulary in Practice 6. Upper-Intermediate. Tests (оқу-әдістемелік құрал). Cambridge University Press, 2014. Liz Driscoll.
5Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. New 9th Edition. Oxford University Press, 2015
6QSE Student's Book and Workbook Brookemead English Language Teaching, London, UK 2014 Duncan Prowse, Rosemary Harris, Picot Cassidy