Математика мұғалімдерін даярлау
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EGKT 4382 Additional chapters of elementary geometry төртінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Alikhanova B.

The discipline helps to revive interest in elementary geometry. Introduces students to the axioms of planimetry and stereometry, explains their main theorems with proofs. Forms the skills of applying geometric transformation methods. Students use elements of vector algebra in solving problems. Students use basic concepts and methods when solving problems on constructions in the plane and proofs.

The discipline forms the theoretical and methodological foundations of methodological science and initial methodological skills that ensure the performance of various functions of the subject of mathematics. Future teachers acquire a creative approach to solving the problems of teaching mathematics, the skills of independent analysis of the educational process, the study of methodological problems. Teaches the subject and problems of the methodology of teaching mathematics, the goals of teaching mathematics, the structure and content of school mathematics and classifications of methods of teaching mathematics.

1PON1-will be able to apply the basic theoretical
2PON2-gets used to the use of fundamental and applied methods and tools of geometry in solving problems in professional activities.
3Pon 3-demonstrates theoretical knowledge in relation to the basic laws in solving scientific and applied problems in geometry.
4PON4-knows how to find methods for solving geometric problems by correctly applying geometric formulas and performing the necessary calculations
5PON5-uses the basic ideas and methods of geometry, the system of basic geometric structures,general forms, laws and means of calculation in the process of conducting scientific and pedagogical research
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject of geometry, the history of development.Straight lines on the plane. Axiom and the system of unknown concepts of geometry (according to Hilbert).презентация
2Theorem of Sines. Cosine-Tar theorem. Solving triangles.презентация
3Selective problems and theorems of planimetry.презентация
4Transform plane-side shapes. Movement. Similar transformation (Homothetia). Inversion.презентация
5Classical construction problems on the plane.Coordinate method. The relationship between rectangular and polar coordinates.Tendence of figures on the plain.презентация
6Vectors on the plane. Application of linear operations on vectors classification of vectors. Collinear sign of vectors. Scalar and vector product of vectors. Radius vectorпрезентация
7Vectors in space. Applying operations to vectors.презентация
8Scalar and vector product of vectors.презентация
9Coordinate method. The relationship between rectangular and polar coordinates.Tendence of figures on the plain.презентация
10Stereometry. Axioms of stereometry and some of the consequences that follow from it.презентация
11The parallelism of straight lines and planes. The perpendicularity of straight lines and plains.презентация
12Bodies in space. Multilateral angles. Polyhedra.презентация
13Bodies of rotation. Basic formulas. Drawing spatial shapes on a plane.презентация
14Coordinates in space. The mutual arrangement of the sphere and the plane.презентация
15Problems of constructing the cross-section of figures in space. Spatial construction problems.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Jalpy bilim beretin mektepte matematıkalyq esepterdi shyǵarýdy oqytýdyń ádistemelik negizderi. Oqý quraly. - Almaty, 2019j. A.E.Ábilqasymova , E.A. Tuıaqov.
2Qazaqstandaǵy matematıkany oqytý ádistemesiniń qalyptasýy men damýy. Oqý quraly. - Almaty : Mektep, 2018j. A. E. Ábilqasymova , B. M. Qosanov.
3Geometrıa: Oqý ádildik qural. / Pavlodar memlekettik pedagogıkalyq ýnıversıteti. - Pavlodar: PMPÝ, 2019. - 80b. http://rmebrk.kz Haırýllına, N. J.