Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EB 3289 Epidemiology and biostatistics Үшінші курс 5 150 1 1 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
Shoibek Azamat Maratovich, Shaikhattarova Ulbala Seitzhapparovna, Omarova Balnur Adilbekovna, Sarzhanov Fakhriddin Nurmakhamedovich

The  module  teaches  the  etiology,  mechanisms  of  transmission  and  prevention  of  infectious diseases,  processing  and analysis  of  biological  objects  using  statistical  methods  in  scientific research. During the course,  students form theoretical and practical skills  for the prevention of infectious,  parasitic  and  non-infectious  diseases  in medical institutions, among  various contingents  of  the  population,  at  the  individual,  group  and  population  levels,  by  making 
independent  decisions  as  a  result  of  collecting  and  critically  analyzing  data  in  the  field  under study.

Evidence-based medicine in dentistry, academic scientific writing


Lecture, practical lesson, independent work of students, independent work of students with a teacher

1He has communication skills in dental practice in compliance with the principles of medical ethics and deontology.
2Uses communication skills in effective work with doctors of the healthcare system and other specialists.
3It uses clinical epidemiology in combination with biostatistics and evidence-based medicine.
4Effectively works with doctors and other healthcare professionals to achieve public health.
5Develops theoretical and practical skills for the prevention of infectious and non-communicable diseases in medical institutions, among various populations at individual, group and population levels, as well as in emergency situations.
6Remembers the mechanism of development of the epidemic process in infectious diseases.
7Draws up a plan of anti-epidemic measures for infectious diseases transmitted in various ways.
8Applies the rules for the control of infectious diseases among the population, control of nosocomial and especially dangerous infections.
9He is able to analyze research works within the profession.
10Critically evaluates information on biomedical and medical research, and makes decisions based on evidence-based medical practice.
11Analyzes the results of medical research using statistical packages.
12Compares and analyzes laboratory data obtained during the provision of medical care to patients.
13Understands the features of systematic modern research methods and skills used in the professional field, and applies them in research activities.
14Carries out an effective scientific presentation of research results and implements them into clinical practice, presents various types of presentations.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The importance of evidence-based medicine, clinical epidemiology, and biostatistics in conducting scientific research.test
2Stages of clinical decision-making during scientific research. Drawing up a clinical problem, the PICO principle.test
3Epidemiology as a science. The main epidemiological terms and their application in evidence-based medicine.test
4The design of a clinical and epidemiological study. Methods of observational and experimental research.test
5Stages of scientific research. The object of control and its signs. Conducting a review of medical information.test
6Quantitative characteristics of a discrete statistical distribution: sample medium, sample variance, standard deviation, mode, median. Finding confidence intervals.test
7Checking the power of criteria for various levels of significance, types of distribution. Verification of assumptions by type of distribution. The basic assumption for checking the normality of the distribution.test
8Pearson's chi-square criterion.test
9Using relativity tables to test assumptions about population homogeneity. Using a specific Fisher criterion.test
10General, factorial, and residual variances.test
11Solving problems of biological and medical content using basic methods of single-factor analysis of variance.test
12Solving problems of biological and medical content using methods of two-factor analysis of variance.test
13Solving reports for processing epidemiological indicators using the basics of statistical analysis.test
14Quantitative assessment of risk factors for the development of diseases. Comparison of two viability curves.test
15Linear correlation. Estimation of the correlation strength. Finding Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.test
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Эпидемиология, оқулық, Ерманова С.А. 2016 ж.
2Эпидемиолог маманының тәжірибелік дағдылары. Ерманова С.А. Ирсимбетова Н.А. 2018 ж.
3Инфекционные болезни и эпидемиология. Учебное пособие. 2016 г. В. И. Покровский, Н.И. Брико, Б.К. Данилкин, С.Г. Пак
4Лекции по общей эпидемиологии. Учебно-методическое пособие. М.К. Сапарбеков. Алматы: Эверо, 2023.
5Дәлелді медицина негіздері – 2020, Ш.С. Калиева, Е.А. Юхневич-Насонова, С.Т. Тулеутаева.
6Биостатистикаға кіріспе курсы. Оқу құралы.2014ж Б. К. Койчубеков, Д. Т. Абдыкешова, Д. Т. Алибиева.
7Биостатистика. Монография. Б.К. Койчубеков, Алматы: Эверо, 2023
8Мысалдар мен тапсырмалардағы биостатистика. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Б.К. Койчубеков, А.С. Букеева, А.И. Такуадина, Г.Т. Жунусова, Д.Т. Абдыкешова. Алматы: Эверо, 2023.
9Анализ категориальных данных с использованием пакета статистических программ SPSS. 2016г. А. М. Гржибовский , Т.Н. Унгуряну.
10Биостатистика Койчубеков Б.К