Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DTUSHE 5222 Boundary value Problems for Differential Equations Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Ph.D., Associate Professor K.I.Usmanov

The purpose of the discipline: the Study of boundary value problems for systems of ordinary differential and integro-differential equations. Necessary and sufficient conditions for unambiguous solvability will be obtained. As a result of the training, undergraduates will be introduced to methods for studying boundary value problems for ordinary differential and integro-differential equations. Analyzes modern trends in marginal problems for simple differential and integral-differential equations. Develops constructive methods for solving boundary value problems for differential equations

The purpose of the discipline: the Study of boundary value problems for systems of ordinary differential and integro-differential equations. Necessary and sufficient conditions for unambiguous solvability will be obtained. As a result of the training, undergraduates will be introduced to methods for studying boundary value problems for ordinary differential and integro-differential equations. Analyzes modern trends in marginal problems for simple differential and integral-differential equations. Develops constructive methods for solving boundary value problems for differential equations

1Analyzes current development trends, the main problems of the history and philosophy of science, possession of the conceptual and methodological apparatus and applying the theoretical knowledge gained in various forms of research and intercultural communication;
2- Creates constructive methods for solving boundary value problems of integro-differential equations;
3- Studies new mathematical methods for solving extreme problems and boundary value problems for nonlinear differential equations and mathematical physics
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The necessary conditions for the existence of an unambiguous solution of differential equations for a two-point nonlinear boundary value problem.Жазбашапрезентация
2Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an unambiguous solution of differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problem.презентация
3A method for constructing a Q matrix for differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problem.Жазбаша
4An algorithm for determining the approximate solution of differential equations for a two-point nonlinear boundary value problem.презентация
5The necessary conditions for the existence of an unambiguous solution of loaded differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problemЖазбаша
6Conditions for the existence of a solution to the Cauchy problem for differential equations loaded for a two-point linear boundary value problem.презентация
7Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an unambiguous solution of loaded differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problem.Жазбаша
8Construction of the Q matrix for differential equations loaded for a two-point nonlinear boundary value problem.презентация
9An algorithm for determining the approximate solution of loaded differential equations for a two-point nonlinear boundary value problem.Жазбаша
10Convergence of the algorithm for determining the approximate solution of loaded differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problem.презентация
11The necessary conditions for the existence of an unambiguous solution of integro-differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problem.Жазбаша
12Conditions for the existence of a solution to the Cauchy problem for integro-differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problem.презентация
13Conditions for the existence of a solution to the Cauchy problem for integro-differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problem.презентация
14Construction of the Q matrix for integro-differential equations for a two-point nonlinear boundary value problem.Жазбаша
15Convergence of the algorithm for determining the approximate solution of integro-differential equations for a two-point linear boundary value problem.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Aısaǵalıev s. dıfferensıaldyq teńdeýlerdiń sapalyq teorıasy boıynsha dárister. Oqý quraly. 2018j.
2T. M. Aldıbekov. Dıfferensıaldy teńizshi.Oqý quraly.- Almaty: Qazaq ýn-ti, 2017j.
3Q. J. Nazarova, M. A. Muratbekova. Matematıkalyq fızıka teńdeýleri. Oqý quraly. - Shymkent, 2020j.
4B.H. Týrmetov. Bólshek retti ıntegraldy-dıfferensıaldy operatorlar jáne olardy shetki esepterdiń sheshilý máselelerine qoldaný. 2016j. 220s
5B. T. Qalymbetov. Qarapaıym dıfferensıaldyq teńdeýler úshin jıekter. - Túrkistan, 2017j.