Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DTST 5214 Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
K. Usmanov

The Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations is a branch of mathematics that focuses on understanding the behavior of solutions to differential equations without necessarily finding explicit solutions. It explores stability, phase space, bifurcations, periodic solutions, Lyapunov stability, and chaos theory. This approach provides insights into the long-term dynamics of complex systems without requiring detailed numerical solutions, making it a valuable tool in various scientific and engineering disciplines.

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1Analyzes current development trends, the main problems of the history and philosophy of science, possession of the conceptual and methodological apparatus and applying the theoretical knowledge gained in various forms of research and intercultural communication
2Uses a systematic approach and methods of harmonic and intelligent analysis in solving applied problems
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Dynamic systems. Sustainability. Phase break.презентация
2Limit behavior of trajectoriesЖазбашапрезентация
3The concept of stability according to Lyapunovпрезентация
4Stability theoremsЖазбашапрезентация
5First Approximation SystemЖазбаша
6Equilibrium positionЖазбашапрезентация
7Flow of a viscoelastic fluid between two coaxial cylindersЖазбашапрезентация
8Phase portraitsЖазбашапрезентация
9Stability and bifurcationпрезентация
10Bifurcations of equilibrium positionsАуызша және жазбаша
11Couette flow of structured fluidЖазбашапрезентация
12Stationary homogeneous flow regimesпрезентация
13Homogeneous pressure flow of structured fluidЖазбаша
14Bifurcations of solutions to parabolic type equationsпрезентация
15Wave front in a pressure flow modelЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Fılıppov A.F. Vvedenıe v teorıý dıfferensıalnyh ýravnenıı: ýchebnık. 2-e ızd., ıspr. M.: Kom.Knıga, 2007. 240 s.
2Tıhonov A.N., Vasıleva A.B., Sveshnıkov A.A. Dıfferensıalnye ýravnenıa. M.: Naýka,1985. 231 s.
3Bıbıkov Iý.N. Kýrs obyknovennyh dıfferensıalnyh ýravnenıı. M.: Vysshaıa shkola, 1991. 303 s.
4Petrovskıı I.G. Leksıı po teorıı obyknovennyh dıfferensıalnyh ýravnenıı. M.: Naýka, Glavnaıa redaksıa fızıko-matematıcheskoı lıteratýry. 1964. 272 s.
5Beláeva N.A. Matematıcheskıe modelı deformırýemyh strýktýrırovannyh materıalov: monografıa. Syktyvkar: Izd-vo Syktgý, 2008. 116 s.