Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DTDTI 6308 Partial Differential Equations IV Екінші курс 6 180 1 2
Course Descriptions
Sultanov Murat Abdukadyrovich

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to teach students the mathematical basis of the finite element method, the use of methods and methods of mathematical modeling of physical fields of various nature, characterized by equations of mathematical physics. Develops mathematical modeling methods and computational algorithms that implement cryptographic methods of Information Protection. Studies new mathematical methods for solving problems for differential equations of independent derivatives. Develops constructive methods for applying the finite element method.

Team work, critical thinking, brainstorming, developmental learning method, group project work method, problem method, mini research method, professional skills improvement method, exchange of views, discussion method.

1Creates constructive methods for solving boundary value problems of integro-differential equations
2Studies new mathematical methods for solving extreme problems and boundary value problems for nonlinear differential equations and mathematical physics
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The basic equations of mathematical physics and the problems to which they are logically posedпрезентация
2Cauchy problem for equations of parabolic origin, mixed problems and methods for solving themпрезентация
3Cauchy problem for equations of hyperbolic origin, mixed problems and methods for solving themЖазбаша
4Classical edge problems for equations of elliptical origin and methods for solving themпрезентация
5Solving non-classical problems for equations of parabolic origin by the Fourier methodпрезентация
6Solving non-classical problems for equations of hyperbolic origin by the Fourier method.Жазбаша
7For equations of parabolic origin, a problem involving a higher-order derivative in the edge conditionЖазбаша
8Performance and solution methods of inverse problems for a parabolic equationпрезентация
9Performance and solution methods of inverse problems for a hyperbolic equationпрезентация
10Integro-differential operators and their usesЖазбаша
11Generalized Dirichlet problem and methods for solving itЖазбаша
12Generalized Neumann problem and methods for solving itЖазбаша
13Generalized Roben problem and methods for solving itЖазбаша
14Performance and solution methods of involute edge problemsЖазбаша
15Spectral problems of involute edge problemsЖазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Tıhonov a. N., Samarskıı A. A. Matematıkalyq fızıka teńdeýleri. Máskeý: MMÝ basylymy ǵylym, 2016 j.– 791 р
22. Saǵyndyqov B. j. Matematıka fızıka mamandyǵy. Almaty, 'Qyzdar ýnıversıteti' baspasy, 2014. – 252 b.
33. Sabıtov k. b. Matematıkalyq fızıka teńdeýleri: joǵary oqý oryndaryna arnalǵan oqý quraly; basylym: M.: Joǵary Mektep, 2017 j.
44.Týrmetov B. h. Bólshek tártiptiń ıntegraldy-dıfferensıaldy operatorlary jáne olardy aımaqtyq máselelerdiń sheshilý máselelerine qoldaný. Monografıa.– Shymkent: 'Álem' Baspahanasy, 2016 . – 220s.
55. Ibatov A., Syzdyqova z. n. Matematıka fızıka mamandyǵy. oqý. - Astana, EÚÝ, 2011. – 315b