Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DSH 1100 Physical Culture I Бірінші курс 2 60 0 2 0
Course Descriptions
PhD A. Rakhymzhanov

The purpose of the discipline is to increase professional competence, strengthen health by engaging in physical culture and sports, form mental stability, perseverance, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Culture II


Group work, developmental training, professional development methods, warm-ups, walking exercises, running exercises, one-stop exercises. Body rehabilitation.

1To give basic science-based knowledge about the use of physical culture and sports in development of the vital physical qualities for preservation of health and maintenance of an optimal professional performance.
2Formation of motivational-valuable attitude to physical culture and the need for systematic physical exercises and sports.
3Health promotion, water quenching and increasing resistance to adverse factors of labor activity.
4Discipline, collectivism, comradely mutual assistance.
5Development of mental resilience, confidence, commitment, courage and determination, initiative, perseverance, endurance and self-control.
6Development and improvement of basic motor qualities – endurance, strength, speed, agility, flexibility.
7To ensure the obtaining of versatile skills for the development of physical abilities, socio-cultural experiences and socio-cultural values of physical culture and sports.
8Development of communication skills, particularly the ability to use information from a variety of sources, present it clearly in an appropriate form.
9Development of thinking skills, skills of self-development and research skills.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Modern health-improving systems and the basics of monitoring the state of the body. Characteristics of modern wellness technologies.
2(Speed) Short-distance running, various starting jerks with general and special exercises (development of shuttle running).
3(Athletics) Middle-distance running. Development of general developmental and special exercises. Middle-distance running men. 2000m, women. 1000m.
4Development of the technique of the long jump from a place.
5Development of the triple long jump technique
6The development of the technique of throwing grenades husband. 750gr, women. 500gr
7(Football) Development of the movement of a football player, driving and hitting the ball, types of receiving and selecting the ball.
8Development of two-way game methods in football.
9(Volleyball) Develop the player's stance and movement, serve the ball from below, from above.
10Development of receiving the ball from above, from below and direct the ball to 2,3,4 zones.
11Develop the setting of the block alone and in pairs and develop the techniques of the libero game.
12Development of two-way game methods in volleyball.
13(Basketball) Develop driving and throwing the ball into the basket from different distances.
14Develop the transfer of the ball from the chest with two hands and from the shoulder with one hand and play a free throw to the basket.
15Development of two-way game methods in basketball.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Volleyball (for students of higher educational institutions). Training manual. 'I Don't Know,' He Said.'I Don't Know,' He Said.'I Don't Know,' He Said.'I Don't Know,' He Said. Turkestan, 2021
2Manual of Physical Culture (for students of higher educational institutions) Seidakhmetov E. E. Turkestan, 2021
3Methods and techniques of the football game. Textbook A. Z. Ibraev. Turkestan, 2021
4Physical Culture for Natural Sciences in higher educational institutions.Textbook M. Kekilbekova. Turkestan, 2021
5Dene physical education men sporty gelpi tarihi. Zh. Onalbek., B. Muhamedzhanov., Sh. Orazov. Turkistan,-2014zh