Russian Language and Literature at Schools with non-Russian Training
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DBOT 4344 Methods of Language Skills Formation (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) төртінші курс 5 150 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Ashimova S.Zh.

The modern approach within the framework of the communicative-cognitive method is the formation of skills of operating language units in a communicative-meaningful context. The main purpose of the course is to form and improve the initial level of language proficiency achieved at the previous stage of education, and mastering the necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence for solving social and communicative problems in various fields of everyday, cultural, professional and scientific activities in communicating with partners, as well as for further self-education.



1. interactive,
2. search engine,
3. problematic,
4. conversation,
5. discussion,
6. Methods, forms of training, forms of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialized and adaptive disciplines (modules) for students with disabilities, disciplines can be changed by the teacher together with structural divisions.

1knows the methodology of teaching Russian;
2I am ready for tolerant pedagogical communication, communication, cooperation in a multiethnic society;
3has a culture of thinking, correctly expresses his thoughts in written and oral form, fully expresses his thoughts;
4solves the assigned tasks in accordance with the situation.
5knows the basic requirements for a modern lesson at school;
6he has his own scientific view, is capable of perception, analysis and generalization of information, independently makes decisions and uses them in practice.
7способен применять полученные знания на практике.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The basic concepts and categories of the methodology for the formation of language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing). Goals and objectives of teaching in a modern school.
2The content of teaching IA in a modern school.
3The basic principles of teaching speech skills in a modern school.
4Forms and methods of teaching speech skills in a modern school.
5The main means of teaching speech skills in a modern school.
6Phonetic aspect of learning.
7The lexical aspect of learning.
8The grammatical aspect of learning.
9Listening training.
10Learning to read.
11Learning to speak.
12Learning to write.
13Methodological content of the modern lesson.
14Control in teaching language skills.
15Professional competence of the teacher.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Arkhipova.E.V. Fundamentals of the participants' speech development methodology. Textbook and workshop. M., Urait, 2022
2Chakanova S.Zh. Development of written speech. Educational and methodical manual. Turkestan, 2022 .
3Kovshikov V.A., Pukhov V.P.Theory of speech activity. Psycholinguistics.
4Oshakbayeva Zh.B. Theory of speech activity. Turkestan, 2019.