Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
CTT 32102 Chemistry Teaching Technologies Үшінші курс 3 90 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Sarbayeva G.T.

 The discipline studies modern technologies in the teaching of chemistry, the basic concepts that determine their classification and structure, content in a single systematic and appropriate correspondence. The student develops the skills of choosing and applying pedagogical and innovative technologies in lesson planning. Masters the methods of development and continuous improvement, research of scientific and pedagogical activity in the educational process, learns to conduct chemical and pedagogical research as a result of creative search



1. Working in a group

2 Brainstorming

3. Technology of developmental learning

4. The case-stage method

5. The problematic method

1he gets acquainted with new pedagogical technologies and features of their application in teaching chemistry, applies them in practice;
2examines the system of teaching methods and techniques and uses it in teaching chemistry;
3learns to work creatively in the subject area, applies in practice.
4Effectively organizes a short-term lesson plan in accordance with the content of the chemistry program in a didactic way
5Examines general and individual problems, methods of teaching methods, has a critical assessment of students' knowledge, lesson analysis;
6Uses knowledge about the purpose, content, methods, forms and means of teaching and the activities of teachers and students, plans and uses the results of monitoring studies in the implementation of research work;
7Effectively uses digital educational resources, virtual and practical laboratories in the learning process, analyzes the results;
8In the process of teaching chemistry, it develops the personality of the student, forms a positive motivation for learning.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The discipline of chemistry teaching technology and its scientific basis. The purpose and objectives of the new chemistry education.презентация
2Forms of organization of education in the teaching of chemistry at the university.Сұрақ-жауап
3Preparation of future chemistry teachers for professional activity. The terminological apparatus of pedagogical technologiesАуызша
4Types of pedagogical technologies used in teaching chemistry. Technologization as a leading trend in the development of chemical education.Жазбаша
5The technological map of the lesson is like a modern lesson plan. Basis of technological mappingАуызша және жазбаша
6Methodology for the use of modern innovative technologies in Chemistry Lessons. The teacher is the main person in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the classroomtest
7Interdisciplinary connection of the discipline of chemistry teaching technologies with other disciplines taught in higher educational institutions.презентация
8Technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the process of teaching chemistry. Technology of level-based teaching of chemistry topicsАуызша және жазбаша
9Technology of problem-based learning of chemistry. The structure and advantages of a problem-based learning lessonЖазбаша
10Technologies of personality-oriented learning of chemistry. Pedagogy of cooperation. Technology of humanization of education (according to Sh.A.Amonashvili).Жазбаша
11Case study technology and its significance. Organization stages, sample presentationАуызша
12Project-based learning technology in the process of teaching chemistry. Design technology and methods of its organizationСұрақ-жауап
13The use of information technologies in teaching chemistry. Information technology toolsпрезентация
14Distance learning technology. Technologies for assessing the quality of chemical education.Ауызша және жазбаша
15Technology of collective learning (Dyachenko, Rivin). Technology of developing trainingtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Berdi D.Q., Jylysbaeva G.N., Muhamedjanov B.Q. Hımıalyqtaroqýádildigi. 2014.
2Qurmanalıeva M.Q., Myrzahmetova N.O. Hımıanyoqytýteorıasy men ádistemesi. Oqý quraly.2-shi ster. bas. Almaty: Álmanah, 2021 - 321 s
3Abyzbekova G.M., Arynova K.Sh. 'Orta mektepte hımıany oqytýda sandyq bilim berý tehnologıalaryn paıdalanýdyń ádistemesi'. 5V01120-Hımıa' mamandyǵy stýdentterine arnalǵan elektrondyq oqý quraly – Elektrondyq mátindik málimetter (3,66 Mb). –Hımıa jáne ekologıa' kafedrasynyń ǵylymı-ádistemelik semınary bekitken, 2014 j.
4Mátbek N.Q. Oqytýdyń ınovasıalyq ádis-tásilderi: oqý-ádistemelik qural – 56 b. 2015.
5Madyhanova Q.S., Abdýrazova A.P., Qoblanova O.N. JOO hımıany oqytý ádistemesi