Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BRDOOK 5307 Fractional Differential Operators and their Applications Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions

The purpose of the discipline: The main purpose of this course is to teach undergraduates the  concept of integrals and derivatives of fractional order, methods for solving the simplest differential  equations of fractional order. After mastering this subject, undergraduates will know the basic  methods for solving fractional differential equations. Develops constructive methods for solving  fractional-order differential equations and studies new mathematical methods.

learning and study, Case-study Method, problem work method, developmental learning method, project based approach technology, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods.

1Creates constructive methods for solving boundary value problems of integro-differential equations;
2Studies new mathematical methods for solving extreme problems and boundary value problems for nonlinear differential equations and mathematical physics;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Euler gamma and beta functions, Mittag-Leffler type functionАуызша және жазбашапрезентация
2Integral of fractional order and its elementary properties.Ауызша және жазбаша
3Types of differential operators of fractional order.презентация
4Properties of a fractional-order integral.Жазбаша
5Relations between differential and integral operators of fractional orderпрезентация
6Basic properties of fractional differential operators.презентация
7The basic concepts of the operator method.Жазбаша
8An operator method for solving an integer differential equation.презентация
9Methods for solving special classes of fractional differential equations. Methods for solving fractional differential equations in the general case.Жазбаша
10Methods for solving differential equations with a sequence derivative.презентация
11The Adomein method for solving a fractional differential equation.презентация
12The use of integral transformations in solving a fractional differential equation.презентация
13Fractional analogues of equations of parabolic origin.Жазбаша
14Fractional analogues of equations of hyperbolic origin.Жазбашапрезентация
15Fractional analogues of equations of elliptical origin.Жазбашапрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Týrmetov B.H. Operatornye metody reshenıa dıfferensıalnyh ýravnenıı drobnogo porádka ı ıh prılojenıa. Monografıa. – Shymkent: Tıpografıa 'Álem', 2016 . – 184s. RMEB
22. Týrmetov B.H. Integro-dıfferensıalnye operatory drobnogo porádka ı ıh prımenenıa k voprosam razreshımostı kraevyh zadach. Monografıa.– Shymkent: Tıpografıa 'Álem', 2016 . – 220 s.
33. Týgylbaeva B.G. Lıneınye operatory : Metodıcheskıe ýkazanıa. . - Ýs-Kamenogorsk: Izdatelstvo VKGÝ, 2014. - 31 c. - ISBN 9789965875557. RMEB
44. Muhtarov M. Dıfferensıaldyq teńdeýler boıynsha dárister: Oqý quraly. / S. Toraıǵyrov atyndaǵy Pavlodar memlekettik ýnıversıteti . - Pavlodar: Kereký, 2015. – 409 b.
55. Dospýlova, Ý. K. Dıfferensıalnye ýravnenıa : Ýchebnoe posobıe. . - Kostanaı: KGPI, 2016. - 99 c. - ISBN 978-601-7839-50-5. RMEB