Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Bot 2202 Botany I Екінші курс 5 150 1 2
Course Descriptions
Bayan Toyzhigitova

Divide different plant species in the plant world into separate groups, form kinship ties, origin, their classification into groups (classification) and the historical chain of evolutionary development of plants. Forms the main features of various systematical groups of plants – the specifics of construction, reproduction, development in the course of ontogenesis, the concepts of terms used in Plant Systematics.

Botany II

Herbarium methods

group work,. critical thinking, brainstorming, exchange of ideas

1Forms the ability for goal-oriented active learning; - explains the management of information, the process or ways of disseminating digital technologies, individually and in a group; - applies economic, entrepreneurial and decision-making skills in all areas
2Plans and organizes biological research work, uses modern methods and equipment in laboratory and field research work;
3Makes Research forecasts, conducts experiments using approaches, and develops research skills ; - formulates the scientific foundations of biology and uses innovative technologies in the study of objects.
4Analyzes laws, principles and regulations for the effective use and protection of Natural Resources, organizes protection measures;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Plant structure and cell lifeЖазбаша
2Plant tissues and classificationЖазбаша
3Root, shoot system, leaf structureЖазбаша
4The stem is a shoot growth. Wood construction. Flower construction. Fruit.Жазбаша
5Reproduction and procreation of plants. Ecological groups of plants and life formsЖазбаша
6Classification, origin, cell structure of lower plantsЖазбаша
7Description of the main taxonomic groups of algae. Blue green, gilding yellow.Жазбаша
8Diatomaceous-diatomornum or vasilariornum algae DepartmentЖазбаша
9Description of the Department of Brown-RNAEORNUTTA, red-RNODORNUTTA algaeЖазбаша
10Description of the green CHLOROORM algae sectionЖазбаша
11Department of Characeous algae - CHAROPHYTAЖазбаша
12Department of Myxomycetes – MYXOMYCETES –(or MYXOMYCOTA Tears)Жазбаша
13Department of Fungi – MYCOPHYTA or MYCOTAFUNGIЖазбаша
14Zygomycetes are class Zygomycetes and Chytridiomycetes are Shchutridiomycetes . Class oomycetes (Oomycetes).Жазбаша
15The class of Ascomycetes is the Ascomycetes of Basidiomycetes (Basidiomycota). Lichen division– Lichenophyta.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Useful plants of Kazakhstan [Text] / D. K. Aidarbaeva. - Karaganda: Ak Nur, 2014.
22. Z. A. Talkhanbaeva. Study-methodology on laboratory works in the subject of anatomy and morphology of plants. Turkestan, 2015.
33. Molecular life of plants: Textbook. v. 1 / R. Jones, H. Ohm, H. Thomas, S. Woland. - Almaty: Willey-Blackwell, 2016
44. Teaching-methodical tool for laboratory work on the subject of plant anatomy and morphology. / Z. A. Talkhanbaeva. - Turkestan: K.A.Yasaui State Technical University, 2015
55. Botany І. Book .Almaty . Association of higher educational institutions of Kazakstan, 2016 \ S. K. Imankulova,