Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BBZhPKU4302 Organization of psychological service in the education system төртінші курс 6 180 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
J.N. Saduova

The content of the discipline" organization of psychological service in education " the main problem in the education system is the formation of moral qualities with the transfer of knowledge to the younger generation. In educational institutions, it is necessary to increase the ability to organize and think cognitive activity of students, paying attention to the comprehensive development of the generation, first of all, to be educated, to determine the content of the work of a practicing psychologist in accordance with the goals, objectives of the work of a school psychologist in the psychological service in educational institutions.


pedagogical skills

Teamwork, work in pair, learning and study, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, jigsaw method, creativity learning methods, teamwork, cloud technology, it method, Case study Method, group project work method, problem work method, mini research method, project work method, professional skills improvement method, problem work method, modular learning technology.

1-diagnoses and accurately demonstrates the results, taking into account the individual typological, personal and age-related characteristics of children and adolescents in the process of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics; - analyzes the methods of formulating pedagogical goals for the design of new models and strategies of the educational process (LO8) .
2- defines and applies social, pedagogical and psychological mechanisms for preventing and overcoming side effects; - able to prevent, identify, and eliminate pedagogical and psychological problems in their professional activities; - can diagnose abnormalities in the development and behavior of children and explains ways to regulate their relationship (LO10) .
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The formation and development of psychological activity
2General problems of the work of a practical psychologist
3Fundamentals of psychological activity in the education system
4Personality-oriented paradigm in Psychological Service in the education system
5Features of psychological activity in the education system
6Problems of support and psychological support of psychological services in the education system
7Professional activities of a psychologist in the education system
8Professional expertise of a teacher-psychologist in the education system
9Features of psychological service in preschool institutions
10School psychological service children's health activities and experimental research.
11The interconnection of pedagogical and psychotherapeutic activities and the main directions of work of a school psychologist in educational institutions
12Features of the educational process of boarding-type institutions
13Psychological characteristics of pupils in residential institutions
14Features of the relationship of children from orphanages
15Organization of psychological services with graduates of boarding schools in a higher educational institution
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Z. B. Madalieva, M. K. Zholdasova. Fundamentals of psychological counseling.Training manual.- Almaty, 2018.
2А. A. Tolegenova. .Psychological experiment: structure and technology. 'I don't know,' he said.- A., 2016
3G. M. Kusainov, A. Sh. Tanirbergenova,M. G. Ishengeldieva. Practical psychology.Methodicaltool..A. 2022
4Kabakova M. practical psychology.Educational and methodical work of Almaty,.2020.
5Z. B. Madalieva, M. M. Suleimen .Art therapy: a methodological guide.Almaty, 2016.
6A. Kim.Diagnosis and development of emotional intelligence teacher vuzamonograph . - Almaty,. 2016.
7Tolegenova A. A.Psychological experiment: structure and technology. 'I don't know,' he said. Almaty, 2016