Рedagogy and Psychology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BBM/ EY 3209 Management in Еducation Үшінші курс 3 90 1 1
Course Descriptions

The purpose of the discipline of management in education is to know the principles and patterns of educational process management in the educational system, the formation of skills in organization, planning, design, forecasting, diagnostics of the pedagogical process. Understand the development of regulatory functions, regulatory framework, types of control, conflicts and leadership development in the management of subjects in educational institutions.



Methods of teaching the subject: report, exchange of opinions, discussions, problem methods. For students with disabilities, the teacher of the subject, together with structural units, can change the methods, forms, types of control and timing of the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules).

1- knows the methodological support of the educational process; - taking into account the psychophysiological features of students’ developmental age can perform diagnosis and knows how to use the results (LO4).
2provides pedagogical support to person with special educational needs - knows the principles of assessment and management of inclusive education and can regulate in the educational process (LO5).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Management as a management science
2Pedagogical management as a theory and technology of management of pedagogical systems.
3Patterns and principles of pedagogical management.
4Novelty Management at school.
5School as a form and pedagogical management system.
6Diagnostics of the holistic pedagogical process at school.
7Planning a holistic pedagogical process at school
8Methodical activity at school and teacher certification.
9School management based on a technological approach.
10The object and subject of management of the teaching staff.
11Ethics of pedagogical communication and management
12Conflict management in general in the pedagogical process of the school.
13Leadership and leadership qualities of a manager in education.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Berkimbayev K. M., Kadirbayeva R. I., Sultanmurat S., Buraeva J. Pedagoji: Liderlikteorisi.- Çalışmakılavuzu, Çimkent, 2019.
2Aluzzayeva N. S. pedagojikyönetim; - Almatı, kuu, 2018.
3Bolatbayeva AA eğitimorganizasyonlarındastratejikyönetim: - Almatı, kuu, 2017.
4Zaitsev, VS Eğitimsistemlerininyönetimi. Yazışmaformundakiöğrencileriçinkısabirdersdersi: birçalışmakılavuzu. – Çelyabinsk: A. Miller Kütüphanesi JSC Yayınevi, 2019. – 90 s.
5Douglas C. istatistikselkalitekontrolyöntemleri: modern birgiriş. 2017.
6Akhtayeva N.S. YönetimPsikolojisi, - Almatı, 2018.