Biology Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BBDZhT 3297 «Teaching biology according to the updated program» Үшінші курс 9 270 1 4 0
Course Descriptions
Аliya Duisebekova

The discipline considers structure of the updated educational program in biology and new teaching methods and techniques, the formation of students' skills in understanding and applying the criteria-based assessment system in achieving learning goals. In the process of discipline mastering, students use modern teaching methods and techniques in accordance with updated educational program. Has experience in planning and conducting lessons.



Teamwork, brainstorming, dialogue, critical thinking

1LO 7- Carries out the educational process, designing teaching methods taking into account the individual abilities and needs of students;
2LO8 Applies the acquired knowledge and skills, theoretical and applied aspects of biological science in professional activities;
3LО9- Solves theoretical and methodological problems of teaching effectively using modern technologies;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Modern problems of the theory of teaching and education of biology and the goals and objectives of teaching the discipline according to the updated program.Жазбаша
2The main trends in updating the content of secondary education and the expected results in the field of biological education.Жазбаша
3The structure and functions of the Federal State Educational Standard, curricula, textbooks of the educational standard.Жазбаша
4Features, principles and conditions of the organization of the educational process in updating the content of education.Жазбаша
5Bloom's taxonomy and its stages, thinking skills (knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, comparison, evaluation).Жазбаша
6Goals - objectives, content and means of the criteria assessment system.Жазбаша
7Features of integrated teaching of English and natural sciences. (Content and Language Integrated Learning ).Жазбаша
8Features of the organization of the educational process in updating the content of education.Жазбаша
9Factors of formation of functional literacy within the framework of the updated content of education.Жазбаша
10Features of inclusive and additional education within the framework of the updated educational content.Жазбаша
11Strategies used in the lesson when teaching biology sections according to the updated programЖазбаша
12Innovative methods and techniques of teaching biology with an updated program.Жазбаша
13The effectiveness of digital resources in teaching biology based on updated educational content.Жазбаша
14Recommendations for the application of updated biology training programsЖазбаша
15Professional development and professional development of teachers of the educational content renewal program.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Isaev G.I., Khalikova G.S., Alpamysova G.B. Biology teaching methodology. Shymkent, 2017.
2Buribekova F.B., Zhanatbekova N.Zh. Modern pedagogical technologies. Almaty, 2014.
3Дуйсебекова А.М., Сейтметова А.М., Жылысбаева А.Н., Тойжигитова Б.Б., Ибрагимова Д.И. Білім сапасын диагностикалау дайындығын қалыптастыру. Шымкент, 2019.
4Ayashev O.A., Kadirbaeva R.I., Tileuova S.S. 100 guidelines for a young teacher. Astana: Foliant, 2016.