Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BBBBAT5304 Technology for the development of primary education programs Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Auezov B

The purpose of the discipline: the formation of undergraduates' knowledge in primary school owns the main features of educational programs, general aspects of primary school programs. Undergraduates study the development of educational programs, education, training, the theoretical foundations of curriculum development, learning relationships, the contribution of programs to the educational process. Can design educational programs, curricula, develop author's programs, implement integrated courses in accordance with the standard of education in three languages in practice at all levels of educational organization.


New directions in education

Methods of teaching the subject: Brainstorming, case stage, developmental teaching method, poster protection, creative teaching methods, narration, exchange of opinions, discussion, project work method, professional development method, problem-based teaching method.

1- Еffectively organizes educational activities at the university observing the rules of pedagogical tact and ethics, demonstrating leadership and leadership skills in the professional sphere (PO3);
2Improves interactive, innovative teaching methods, forming scientific theoretical and practical foundations for teaching independent methodological disciplines in primary education (LO6);
3- Having mastered organizational and managerial skills in schools, develops the preparation of educational programs, curriculum, author's project (LO8);
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Theoretical foundations for creating primary education programsАуызша
2Creation of primary education programsБиблиография
3Primary school curriculum-based approachesАуызшаСұрақ-жауап
4Skills Emphasized in Primary Education CurriculaСұрақ-жауапБиблиография
5Interdisciplinary research in the context of primary school curriculaпрезентация
6Peculiarities of educational programs of Kazakh language and literatureАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
7Peculiarities of educational programs of the subject of Russian language and literatureСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
8Peculiarities of educational programs of the subject of English language and literatureСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
9Peculiarities of educational programs of artistic workСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
10Peculiarities of educational programs of music subjectСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
11Peculiarities of science curriculumСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
12eatures of educational programs of world studiesАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
13Features of the mathematics curriculumАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
14Features of educational programs of self-knowledgeАуызша және жазбашаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
15Features of educational programs in physical educationАуызшаСұрақ-жауаппрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 23, 2012 No. 1080. Expired-Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 27, 2018 No. 895
2Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 604 'On approval of State mandatory standards of education at all levels of education'
3Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 603 'On approval of standard curricula of the cycle of general education disciplines for organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education'
4Alimov A. application of interactive methods in universities: a textbook. - Almaty, LLP 'printing house of ambulance' 2009. - 328 P.