Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ATSAPІ 4235 Practice of Simultaneous Interpreting English Language IІ төртінші курс 5 150 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Yeriskep D.

Students use devices for simultaneous translation and to do interpretation simultaneously. The purpose of this course is the further development and improvement of simultaneous translation skills using special devices, in order to teach students how to use devices for simultaneous translation and to do interpretation, in which speech in a particular language is generated simultaneously with the perception of speech in another language.



1. work in group

2. dialogue 

3. creative thinking

4. communicative method

5. Notetaking techniques

11. Forms communication skills, through the development of the necessary knowledge about the basic laws and mechanisms of this process, its structure and forms; uses the specific techniques of effective interaction and develops communication skills
22.uses the specific techniques of effective interaction and develops communication skills
33. Two-way interpretation able to interpret and understand colloquial speech and makes two-way translation using transformational transactions;
44. Fluent in spoken foreign language and uses idiomatic and phraseological expressions in oral translations;
55. Simultaneous translation translates speech into the target language simultaneously while listening to speech in the source language
66. able to put the stress correctly and uses the correct accent, forms an understandable and clean sound rhythm;
77. translates the idea correctly and clearly;
88. can do simultaneous translation using equipments for simultaneous translation
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Chapter 1. External knowledge: the user’s view 1)Textual reliability 2)The translator’s reliability Working with translation text
2Chapter 2. Internal knowledge: the translator’s view 1)Professional pride 2)Ethics Working with translation text
3Chapter 3. The translator as learner 1)The translator’s intelligence 2)The translator’s memory 3)The translator’s learning styles Working with translation text
4Chapter 3. The translator as learner 1) Context 2) Input 3) Processing 4) Response Working with translation text
5Chapter 4. The process of translation 1)The shuttle: experience and habit 2)Charles Sanders Peirce on instinct, experience, and habit 3)Abduction, induction, deduction Working with translation text
6Chapter 4. The process of translation 1)Karl Weick on enactment, selection, and retention 2)The process of translation Working with translation text
7Chapter 5. Experience 1)Intuitive leaps (abduction) 2)Pattern-building (induction) 3)Rules and theories (deduction) Working with translation text
8Chapter 6. People 1)The meaning of a word 2)Experiencing people Working with translation text
9Chapter 7. Working people 1)A new look at terminology 2)Faking it (abduction) 3)Working (induction) 4)Terminology studies (deduction) Working with translation text
10Chapter 8. Languages 1)Translation and linguistics 2)Teaching transfer patterns Working with translation text
11Chapter 9. Social networks 1)The translator as social being 2)Pretending to be a translator Working with translation text
12Chapter 9. Social networks 1)Learning to be a translator 2)Teaching and theorizing translation as a social activity Working with translation text
13Chapter 10. Cultures 1)Cultural knowledge 2)Intercultural awareness Working with translation text
14Chapter 11. When habit fails 1)The importance of analysis 2)The reticular activation system: alarm bells Working with translation text
15Chapter 11. When habit fails 1)Checking the rules 2)Checking synonyms, alternatives 3)Picking the rendition that feels right Working with translation text
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Mona Baker. In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation/ Third edition published 2018 by Routledge
22. Қ.Уразбаев, Ғ.Сегізова,А.Ербота, Г.Шериева Синхронды аударма (жаттығулар жиынтығы. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Түркістан,2019