Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка (английский-турецский)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ATBD 2204 English (Level B2) Екінші курс 5 150 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Kasymbekova A.

The aim of the course is to teach students the basics of interpersonal communication in four languages: communication, listening, reading and writing. The purpose of the course is to form communicative, linguistic, discussion, strategic, as well as educational and cognitive skills among students. They develop knowledge of lexical, grammatical and phonetic units, as well as skills and abilities to use them in the formation and reception of words in a foreign language.



1. narration
2. creative thinking
3. question and answer
4. problematic methods.
5. discussion
6. PPP
7. narration

1can understand video and audio listening at level B2 in learning a foreign language
2improves analytical and professional skills using reading and writing skills
3while learning a foreign language, he/she learns to speak freely in public spaces.
4Having mastered the theoretical principles of linguistics, he learns to apply them from a practical point of view
5while learning a foreign language, he freely describes his own opinions, the events that happened around him and his life experiences
6can discuss with classmates in solving problematic and situational problems and giving advice.
7improves oral and written language skills, making plans for the future.
8learns to master communication skills on various topics depending on the social environment.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Media around the world. Anything good on TV?Сұрақ-жауап
2Intercultural experiences. Grammar: Present.презентация
3Good communication. Keeping in touch. Online friendshipsЖазбаша
4Discuss an issue. Grammar: will,could,may,mightАуызша
5Success. Great ideas. Mr Song and Dance Man. Hopes, dreams and ambitions.Ауызша және жазбаша
6What’s intelligence? Your achievements. Grammar: Present Perfect and time expressions.презентация
7What happened? Accident prone. Why so clumsy? The Power of nature.test
8Accidents and injuries. Adverbs for telling stories. Describe a dramatic experience.презентация
9A Change of Plan. A helping hand. Sorting out arrangements. Fate? Grammar: Future in the past.Сұрақ-жауап
10A Change of Plan. Attend a reunion. Across cultures: Saying no.Жазбаша
11Let me explain. Saving money. Living cheaply. What do I do next?Сұрақ-жауап
12Have you thought about…? Give expert advice. Grammar: Verb + ingпрезентация
13Personal qualities. A high achiever. It’s the kind of job that… A great character.Жазбаша
14Grammar: comparing Talk about people who have influenced you. Across culturesпрезентация
15Revision. Grammar test. Lexical test.Ауызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1«English for Pre-Intermediate students» / Turkistan, 2019 / G.Duisenbayeva, M7Burkitbayeva, P.Maylikarayeva, G.Alipkhan, O.Kabylova
2Unlimited English Pre-Intermediate Coursebook, Cambridge University Press, 2013 David Rea and Theresa Clementon with Alex Tilbury& Leslie Anne Hendra
3English Vocabulary in Use: Elementary. Cambridge University Press, 2013 M. McCarthy, F. O'Dell.
4Grammar tasks for independent work of students on the english language. Book. Almaty 2013. V.Zh.Sarsekenova, L.E.Strautman, B.I.Tastemirova
5Let’s improve our communication in English. Book. Turkistan. Yassawi University, 2017. D.Mutanova, N.Aitbayeva
6Vocabulary in Practice 2. Tests. Elementary. Book. Cambridge University Press, 2012. Glennis Pye