Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ATAAAT 4313 Methods (methods)of translation through information technologies төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sherieva Gulimzhan

This course aims to teach students how to use modern information technologies used by professional translators to optimize the translation process, such as automated translation systems and machine translation systems and methods of working with them. Knows the types of translation using information technologies. Learn how to translate, sort with different sites on the internet.



1. presentation

2. oral translation

3.Shadowing training

4. listening and speaking

5. question and answer

11. Forms communication skills through the development of the necessary knowledge about the basic laws and mechanisms of this process, its structure and forms;
22. Uses specific methods of effective interaction and develops communication skills
33. Two-way free written translation: - Performs written translation using syntactic techniques, lexical, grammatical and stylistic alternatives for the correct translation of the communicative and logical integrity of the text;
44. Uses methods of compression and decompression of the content of speech, ways to disassemble and combine sentences in the course of translation in order to correctly build logical connections between sentences;
55. Correctly understands the oral text and performs two-way oral translation using translation transformations;
66. Freely use the spoken language of a working Foreign Language, idiomatic expressions, phraseological expressions in oral translation;
77. Forms the ethics of spoken translation
88. Simultaneous translation: - simultaneously listening to text in one language and simultaneously translating it into another language;
99. Puts accents correctly and uses the right accent;
1010. Forms a clear and even sound of the tone of voice;
1111. Correctly and intelligibly translates the stated idea;
1212. Provides simultaneous translation with effective use of simultaneous translation devices
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Technical translation
2Authenticity and purpose of technical translation
3The role of the translator
4Theory of technical translation
5Source-oriented translation approaches
6Technology, technical translation and localization
7Technical and non-professional translation
8Technological advances in audiovisual translation
9Technology and translation
10Technology and sign language translation
11The use of information technologies for written translation
12The use of information technologies for translation
13Chapter 13. Translation as Communication across Languages and Cultures
14The use of information technologies for simultaneous translation
15Skills in translation technology
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1The TKT.: Teaching knowledge test. Course. Modules 1, 2 and 3. Оқулық. Cambridge University Press, 2014. M.Spratt, A.Pulverness, M.Williams.
2The Effect of the EPOSTL on the Self-Evaluation of the StudentTeachers of English. Шымкенl/s, 2020. Монография. М.Е.Сейl/sова
3Teaching methodology of Academic reading and analysis. Kazakh university. Оқу әдісl/sемелік құрал. Almaty, 2013. S.S.Nikambayeva
4Jenny Williams. Theories of Translation. Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and Interpreting. Dublin City University, Ireland.,2013