Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
АT 4313 Translation Theory төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sherieva Gulimzhan

The purpose of this course is to improve students' knowledge of the main categories of the linguistic theory of translation, the main strategies and principles of translation. The course develops students' skills in comparative analysis of translations; aimed at teaching how to work with electronic dictionaries, automated translation systems and machine translations. In the course of this subject, students improve and supplement their knowledge of the main categories of the linguistic theory of translation, the main strategies and principles of translation. To develop the skills of comparative analysis of translations among students of the subject; develops and builds skills for working with electronic dictionaries, automated translation systems and machine translations.


Introduction to translation, Art translation workshop, Fundamentals of the translator's professional activity

1. Narration
2. Exchange of opinions
3. Discussion
4. Problematic methods

11. Students improve their grammatical, lexical, phonetic knowledge
22. Improves listening and speaking skills
33. Conducts phonetic, morphematic, syntactic and component analysis
44. Forms theoretical knowledge about various aspects and features of the theoretical aspect of linguistics
55. Gathers knowledge about concepts and content of translation theory
66. Develops professional theoretical and linguistic thinking skills
77. Communication skills of translators are formed by the basic laws and mechanisms of this process
88. Develops the necessary knowledge about the structure and forms of the subject
99. Uses specific methods of communication
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Lecture: What is Translation? Practical lesson: Translation Studies. Semiotic Approach. Communicative Approach.
2Lecture: Types of Translation Practical lesson: Classification Criteria Translation and Interpreting Functional Classification
3Lecture: Classification of Translation Practical lesson: Adequate and Equivalent Translation Literal Translation Free Translation
4Lecture: Translation Equivalence Practical lesson: Types of Equivalence Pragmatic Level Situational Level
5Lecture: Translation Models Practical lesson: Transformational Model of Translation Semantic Model of Translation Psycholinguistic Model of Translation
6Lecture: Тranslating Finite Verb Forms Practical lesson: Translating Tense and Aspect Forms Translating Passive Voice Forms Translating the Subjunctive Moods Forms
7Lecture: Тranslating Non-Finite Verb Forms Practical lesson: Translating the Infinitive Translating the Gerund and Participle Translating Absolute Construction
8Lecture: Translating Causative Constructions Practical lesson: Types of Causative Constructions Constructions with Causal Verbs Constructions with the Verbs to have, to get
9Lecture: Translating Pronouns Practical lesson: Translating Personal Pronouns Translating Possessive Pronouns Translating Relative Pronouns
10Lecture: Translating Articles Practical lesson: Translating the Indefinite Article Translating the Definite Article Translating the Zero Article
11Lecture: Word Choice in Translation Practical lesson: Types of Translation Equivalents Word Connotation in Translation Contextual-Bound Words
12Lecture: Translating Realia Practical lesson: Translating Culture-Bound Words Translating Place Names Translating Ergonyms
13Lecture: Translating Terms Practical lesson: Translation Factors Translation Techniques Terms in Fictions and Journals
14Lecture: Translating Phraseological Units Practical lesson: Metaphorical Translation Metonymical Translation Antonymic Translation
15Lecture: Translator’s False Friends Practical lesson: Translator’s False Friends
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Theories of Translation. Palgrave Textbooks in Translating and Interpreting. Jenny Williams Dublin City University, Ireland.,2013
2Methоds of Translation. Оқу құрал.Түркістан : Тұран, 2018. Уразбаев, Г. Т. Сегизова, О. Б. Абдулхаков.