Diş Hekimliği
Ders Kodu Ders Adı Sınıf Kredisi Ders Saati Haftalık Ders Saati(Teorik) Haftalık Ders Saati(Uygulama) Haftalık Ders Saati(Laboratuvar)
RMP 5227 Araştırma yöntemleri ve sunum Beşinci Sınıf 3 90 15 15 -
Ders Tanımları
Mamyrbekova A.K., Tuleshova E.Zh.
1RTD (result of teaching discipline) 1 - to form knowledge about the essence of research activities and the specifics of its implementation in medicine and healthcare.
2RTD 2 – systematizes knowledge about the types of scientific literature, the principles of scientific information search, and the main international electronic databases.
3RTD 3 – has the skills to collect, process, analyze and systematize information on the topic of research, the skills to choose methods and means of solving research problems.
4RTD 4 - analyzes promising areas of scientific research in the field of professional activity, has the skills to develop a research program, including domestic and foreign experience on the subject of research, formulates scientific hypotheses, relevance and scientific novelty of the planned research.
5RTD 5 - interprets the results obtained, formulates scientific conclusions and scientific statements, presents the data obtained in printed scientific publications, as well as in oral reports and multimedia presentations.
6RTD 6 - applies the skills to build professional activities in accordance with ethical standards.