Diş Hekimliği
Ders Kodu Ders Adı Sınıf Kredisi Ders Saati Haftalık Ders Saati(Teorik) Haftalık Ders Saati(Uygulama) Haftalık Ders Saati(Laboratuvar)
FCP 5317 Fundamentals of clinical periodontics Beşinci Sınıf 3 90 3 5 -
Ders Tanımları
Rusça, Kazakça
11- contributes to the correct diagnosis of patients with periodontal pathology; 2-demonstrates commitment to professional tasks and adherence to ethical principles in various conditions and diseases of patients
2- Learns the skills of developing a healthy lifestyle; 4- Possesses professional knowledge and disease prevention when choosing prosthetic designs and at their practical stages
3- uses effective communication skills when interacting with colleagues, patients and their families; 5-Educates patients and their families, conducts preventive and rehabilitation measures among the population
4- using knowledge acquired in clinical disciplines, allows you to fully diagnose the patient, identifying the main pathological symptoms and syndromes of the disease; 7 - knowledge of diagnostic and treatment protocols for subsequent practical activities, compliance with professional standards
58 - interpretation of the results of modern instrumental laboratory and functional research methods correctly guides patients with diseases of all ages in carrying out therapeutic measures.
Eğitim Programının Öğrenme Çıktıları İle İlişkisi