Diş Hekimliği
Ders Kodu Ders Adı Sınıf Kredisi Ders Saati Haftalık Ders Saati(Teorik) Haftalık Ders Saati(Uygulama) Haftalık Ders Saati(Laboratuvar)
DD 32102 Digital Dentistry Üçüncü Sınıf 3 90 1 2 -
Ders Tanımları
Rusça, Kazakça
1Applies digital technology skills in dentistry, including scanning and modeling patient data.
2applies diagnostic methods and treatment planning through the use of digital tools.
3improves the efficiency of the dental clinic by optimizing processes and reducing the time spent on each patient.
4applies skills to reduce the risk of errors during treatment due to more accurate planning and control of results
5Increases patient satisfaction by providing them with better and more personalized treatment
6Increases the competitiveness of the dental clinic in the market through the use of modern digital technologies.when taking and using patient photos.lesions of the hard tissues of the tooth.
Eğitim Programının Öğrenme Çıktıları İle İlişkisi