Diş Hekimliği
Ders Kodu Ders Adı Sınıf Kredisi Ders Saati Haftalık Ders Saati(Teorik) Haftalık Ders Saati(Uygulama) Haftalık Ders Saati(Laboratuvar)
BC 2284 Biyolojik Kimya İkinci Sınıf 4 120 15 30 -
Ders Tanımları
1RTD (result of teaching discipline) 1 - He knows the basic principles and role of biological chemistry in the training of a doctor and about modern biochemical approaches for the diagnosis of diseases and correction of metabolic disorders.
2RTD 2 – Understands the biochemistry of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, vitamins and hormones and the patterns of biochemical processes, especially metabolism in the human body.
3RTD 3 – he has the skills to interpret biochemical analyses to identify signs of diseases and make a correct diagnosis.
4RTD 4 - He practices the use of modern scientific achievements in the study of the essence of biochemical processes and mechanisms of their regulation occurring in the human body for continuous personal and professional growth.
5RTD 5 - Systematizes information on patterns, experimental research and scientific discoveries in the field of biochemistry using computer technology and an information database of literary sources.
Eğitim Programının Öğrenme Çıktıları İle İlişkisi