Химии-биология (Педагогические науки)
Код урока Название курса Сорт Кредит Время урока Еженедельные часы занятий (теоретические) Еженедельные часы занятий (практика) Еженедельные часы занятий (лаборатория)
KK 3297 Химическая кинетика Үшінші курс 5 150 1 - 2
Описание курса
Абжалов Багдат Садыкович

Дисциплина изучает закономерности протекания химических реакций, механизмы гомогенного и гетерогенного катализа. Обучающийся определяет роль химических реакций в производственных процессах, проводит лабораторные эксперименты по теоретическим и прикладным аспектам химической кинетики и катализа, определяет влияние концентрации, температуры, давления, катализатора на скорость реакции. Формирует навыки расчета скорости реакции по механизмам простых и сложных реакций  с учетом влияющих факторов.




Критическое мышление 

Работа в группе

1Explains the science of chemical kinetics and its current importance to students.
2In performing experiments on the subject of chemical kinetics, he uses the basic laws and theories of chemistry purposefully in calculations, he can independently search for the necessary new scientific information.
3Discusses a specific problem on the theoretical basis of chemical kinetics and deeply master the subject area, uses the results of modern researches in his professional work.
4Based on the knowledge gained in the field of chemical kinetics, he plans and conducts chemical experiments, can predict the results, and implements effective and understandable methods of solving problems.
Haftalık KonuМетод оценки
1Basic postulates of chemical kinetics. Sequence and molecularity of chemical reactionЖазбаша
2Formal kinetics of homogeneous simple reactions proceeding in one direction in a closed system. A first-order reaction that proceeds in one direction and is irreversibleАуызша
3Second order irreversible reaction. Third order irreversible reactionАуызша және жазбаша
4Zero-order irreversible reaction.Сұрақ-жауап
5Methods of determining the sequence and rate constant of a simple chemical reaction in a closed systemАуызша
6Simple and complex reactions. Determination of the sequence of chemical reactions and the rate constant.Ауызша және жазбаша
7Kinetic equations of reversible, parallel, knot complex reactionsЖазбаша
8Activation energy. Methods of determination of activation energy.Жазбаша
9Associated reactions. Chemical induction. Autocatalytic reactions.презентация
10Photochemical reactions. Laws of photochemistry. Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence and its role in the kinetics of photochemical reactions.Ауызша
11Chain reactions. Chain mechanism of chemical transitions and its elementary stages.Сұрақ-жауап
12Methods of determining the rate constant of the elementary stage of chain reactions. Induction period.Жазбаша
13Active Collision Theory. Gasokinetic diameter of collisions. Elastic and inelastic collisions.Сұрақ-жауап
14Intermediate state theory. Properties of the active complex. Approximations of active complex theory.Жазбаша
15Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions. Laws of external and internal diffusion.презентация
Связь между учебной программой и результатами обучения
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
1Chemical kinetics: textbook. Turkestan, 2014. RN Nurdillaeva.
2Problems on the subject of physical chemistry (chemical kinetics and electrochemistry): textbook. 2016. Shabikova G.H., Ospanova A.K., Ashimkhan N.S.
3Chemical kinetics. Ekaterinburg: Izod-vo Ural University. 2016. V. S. Cherepanov, T. V. Aksenova.
4Test questions on physical chemistry (kinetics and electrochemistry): textbook. 2016. Ospanova A.K., Seylkhanova G.A., Syzdykova L.I., Zhusupova A.K
5Chemical kinetics. Educational and methodological tool. 2019. M. Altynbekova.
6Tests on the subject of physical chemistry (chemical kinetics and electrochemistry). 2016. Ospanova A.K., Syzdykova L.I., Seylkhanova G.A., Zhusipova A.
7Thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical corrosion. 2018. Ospanova A.K., Savdenbekova B.E. etc.