Математика (Жаратылыстану ғылымдары)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
ZhDT 2288 Қарапайым дифференциалдық теңдеу I Екінші курс 4 120 1 2
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Ағылшын тілі
Sarsenov B. Omarova I.M.

The discipline allows students to gradually understand the basic concepts and properties of differential equations. Introduces the concepts of first-order differential equations, including homogeneous equations, linear equations and equations in full derivatives. Students learn to solve problems on the topics of high-order differential equations, differential equations with a reduced degree.

Group work, method of problem work, method of mini-research, method of improving professional skills.

1-Uses classical methods of mathematics in solving fundamental and applied problems. (LO 7);
2-Solves the problem, correctly setting the performances of classical problems of fundamental mathematics;(LO 9);
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Basic concepts of the theory of differential equations; Geometric explanation of the differential equationпрезентация
2Differential equations with separated variables. Homogeneous equations and equations reduced to it.презентация
3First order linear equations. Bernoulli's equation. Riccati equationпрезентация
4Complete differential equations. Integrating multiplier.презентация
5Theorems on the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problemпрезентация
6Theorem on the existence and uniqueness of a solution of a higher-order differential equationпрезентация
7Unsolved first-order differential equations by derivative; General method of parameter input. Lagrange and Clairot equations.презентация
8Higher-order differential equations with reduced order.Жазбаша
9Theory of linear differential equations. Definitions and general properties. Theory of homogeneous linear equations.Жазбаша
10Inhomogeneous linear equations. Joint equations.презентация
11Independent types of linear differential equations. Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients.презентация
12Inhomogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients.презентация
13Integrating the equation using series. Second order linear equationsЖазбаша
14Theory of second-order linear differential equations.Жазбаша
15Vector-matrix calculations.Жазбаша
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
11 Diferansiyel denklemlerin asimptotik entegrasyonu / / Ders Kitabı Shymkent - 2014. B. T. Kalimbetov.
22 Belirsiz ve belirli integrallerin teorisi ve problemleri: ders kitabı Bayarystanov A.O., Abylaeva A.M., Aldibayeva L.T. Ders Kitabı .-Almaty, Almanakh, 2020
33. Çok değişkenli bir fonksiyonun diferansiyel ve integral hesaplamaları Ders Kitabı..-Almaty, Almanakh, 2021. Bayarystanov A.O. Alday M., İlyasova M.T.
41Diferansiyel denklemlerle ilgili dersler: Ders Kitabı. / S. Toraygyrov'un adını taşıyan Pavlodar Devlet Üniversitesi. - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2015. -409p. http://rmebrk.kz M. Muhtarov.