Математика (Жаратылыстану ғылымдары)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
UI 4387 Қолданбалы Статистика төртінші курс 5 150 15 30
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Ағылшын тілі
Тілеукеев Ерлан Дарданбайұлы

The discipline comprehensively acquaints students with the basic concepts, results and a number of the most important examples and tasks of modern applied statistics from a practical point of view. At the same time, in the course of presenting the subject material, it teaches to solve problems related to basic actuarial mathematics. Students practice solving problems on the technique of applying the methods of applied statistics

Presentation, exchange of views, discussion, problematic questions, situational questions.

For students with disabilities, together with structural divisions, the teaching methods, forms, type of control and amount of time for the implementation of specialized adaptive disciplines (modules) can be changed by the subject teacher.

1Apply the theoretical knowledge gained in fundamental mathematics to the description of processes and phenomena in various fields of mathematics (LO6);
2Solves the problem, correctly setting the performances of classical problems of fundamental mathematics;(LO 9);
3Uses theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods in the study of problems in various areas of mathematics; (LO10);
4- Competently solves with the help of computer programs when solving practical problems in various areas of mathematics(LO11);
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Data and their types.Preliminary data analysis.Selective method.The main set and selection. Statistical distribution of the sample.Quantitative characteristics of the sample.Confidence interval.Normal (Gaussian) distributionпрезентация
2Errors made during the verification of statistical assumptions.Statistical criteria and their typesпрезентация
3Numerical data: two independent groups. T-criterion of unpaired or independent (two-selective) Studentes. Fisher's criterion F (comparison of two variances; F-test).Mann-Whitney U criterion (Mann-Whitney U test)презентация
4Quantitative data: two dependent groups.Steudent paired t-criterion.презентация
5Wilcoxon's criterion for T - digit ranks.(Wilcoxon test)презентация
6Z character criterion.презентация
7Numerical data: more than two groups. Variance analysis. One-factor variance analysis.The method of conducting variance analysis.Cochren's criterion for comparing variances of several normally distributed headsetsпрезентация
8Comparison of multiple groups: Kruskal-Wallis criterion.презентация
9Two independent groups: Pearson's Chi-square criterion. Fisher's exact criterion (Fisher's exact test)презентация
10Two dependent groups: MC Nimar (Mc Nemar) criterion.Жазбаша
11More than two groups. Pearson's Chi-square criterion: large homogeneity tables.презентация
12Viability analysis.Censored and uncensored data. Assessment of viability. Kaplan-Meyer method. Viability curve. Confidence interval of vitality. Comparison of two Vitality curves. Logrange criterion (Log – rank.test). or a logarithmic rank criterion.Yates straightened up.презентация
13Correlation analysis. Pearson correlation coefficient. Statistical significance of the correlation.The criterion for verifying Pearson's assumption on the materiality of the correlation coefficient.презентация
14Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient checking the assumption about the properties of Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient and the materiality of the correlation coefficient.Жазбаша
15Regression analysis. Linear regression analysis. Regression equation. Linear regression equation. The least squares method. Evaluation of the significance of the coefficients of the regression equation. Evaluation of the quality of the regression equation.презентация
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
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2E. D. Tileýkeev, Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasynyń mindetterin sheshý, oqý quraly, Túrkistan: Ahmet Esevı atyndaǵy Qazaq-Túrik ýnıversıteti.Turan Baspahanasy. 2020, -152 bet.
3Qoshanova M.d., Nazarova K. j., Tileýkeev E. D. Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka elementteri boıynsha jeke tapsyrmalar jınaǵy, Túrkistan: Ahmet Esevı atyndaǵy Qazaq-Túrik ýnıversıteti.Turan Baspahanasy. 2020 -164 bet.
4Aqanbaı N., Yqtımaldyqtar men jattyǵýlar teorıasy boıynsha esepter jınaǵy.Oqýlyq.Ol ony almady. 'Qazaq ýnıversıteti' 2020.
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6S. A. Joldasov, Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka boıynsha esepter jınaǵy. Oqýlyq. Almaty: Evero-2023
7E. D. Tileýkeev, 'Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka' kýrsy boıynsha ádistemelik nusqaýlar, Túrkistan: Ahmet Esevı atyndaǵy Qazaq-Túrik ýnıversıteti.Turan Baspahanasy. 2017-101s.
8Tleýkeev E.D., Yqtımaldyqtar teorıasy jáne matematıkalyq statısıka, oqý quraly, Túrkistan,: Tagran baspahana.2018-214s.