Стоматология (ВМ087)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
TMAP1277 Dental morfology and fizyology Бірінші курс 5 150 1 3 -
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Орыс тілі, Қазақ тілі
Yesentaev D

The purpose of the course is to teach the laboratory stages of the clinic of bridge prostheses, most often used in orthopedic dentistry, bridge-like prostheses made of various materials (ceramics, plastics, cermets, precious metals). Familiarize with the methods of examination of patients, pointers and contraindications to bridges.

Diş hekimliğinde malzemelerin yapısı, Modül-Diş Hekimliğinin Temelleri


oral analysis, implementation of situational tasks, consolidation of practical skills: implementation of practical work included in the curriculum, effective feedback on the acquisition of competencies, MCQ, PAL, SAQ, SGL, TaskBL.

11– Knows the order of teething, the composition of teeth, morphofunctional features of dental tissues, the process of their participation in the main metabolic processes.
22– Forms knowledge about the anatomy of the upper and lower jaw, occlusion and occlusion, biomechanics of the lower jaw.
33– He learns to apply restorative medical procedures in the future, combining knowledge about the structure and morphofunctional features of teeth
44 – Knows the basic terminology and practical application of international numbering systems related to dental morphology.
55 – Acquires the skills to create models of teeth with soap and paraffin based on continuous self-assessment and lifelong learning
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1General understanding of teeth, functions and parts of teeth.Тәжірибелік
2Histological structure of teeth (enamel, dentin, cement) Milk teeth (characteristics, development, stages of eruption
3Milk teeth (characteristics, development, stages of eruption) Basic terminology and international numbering systems associated with dental morphology.Тәжірибелік
4Basic terminology and international numbering systems associated with dental morphology.Тәжірибелік
5Permanent teeth, development of roots of permanent teeth. Differences between baby teeth and permanent teeth.Тәжірибелік
6Central and lateral incisors of the upper jaw (morphology, physiology)Тәжірибелік
7Canines of the upper and lower jaw (morphology, physiology)Тәжірибелік
8The first premolar of the upper jaw (morphology, features of differences from the second premolar)Тәжірибелік
9First and second molars of the upper jaw (differences, features)Тәжірибелік
10Central and lateral incisors of the lower jaw (morphological features and differences)Тәжірибелік
11Canines of the lower jaw (function, morphology)Тәжірибелік
12Lower first and second premolarsТәжірибелік
13Upper and lower third molarsТәжірибелік
14Bite and occlusion. Biomechanics of the lower jawТәжірибелік
15Anatomy of the upper and lower jawТәжірибелік
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
1Adam denesі. 2 tom. Oқulyk 2014zh. A.R.Rakyshev Kalypty fiziologiya. Okulyk 2016. L.Z.Tel', N.A.Agadzhanyan, K.M.Hamchiev, V.I.Cirki Stomatologtarga arnalgan қazaksha-oryssha medicinalyk sozdіk2015zh.I.Ә.Kulmanbetov