Стоматология (ВМ087)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
RD 33130 Restorative Dentistry Үшінші курс 4 120 1 2 -
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Орыс тілі, Қазақ тілі
Uskenbaeyva Aigerim

The subject forms knowledge about the main etiological factors, development mechanisms and clinical manifestations of dental damage, teaches the choice and use of materials used to restore damaged or lost parts of teeth, indications and contraindications for restoration. During the course, students learn diagnostic methods and treatment planning skills, paying attention to the selection of color, aesthetic factors and functional restoration in the restoration of teeth.

Module - Diseases of hard tooth tissues

Module - Fundamentals of dentistry (Fundamentals of Therapeutic, Prosthetic and Surgical Dentistry

oral analysis, implementation of situational tasks, consolidation of practical skills: implementation of practical work included in the curriculum, effective feedback on the acquisition of competencies, MCQ, PAL, SAQ, SGL, TaskBL.

1acquiring the skills of providing emergency and urgent medical care, they study the etiology and clinical manifestations of oral diseases;
2learn to perform effective centralized care (medical history collection, examination, evaluation of clinical analysis, differential diagnosis, preparation of a treatment plan, implementation of medical procedures)
3clinical training, forms students the theory and practice of aesthetic modeling and restoration of teeth, professional skills of a dentist in clinical dental departments
4is able to plan the examination and treatment of patients with dental diseases , taking into account their demand and needs.
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Introduction to the subject of dental restorationТәжірибелік
2Instruments used in dental treatment and sterilizationТәжірибелік
3Formation and mineralization of tooth enamelТәжірибелік
4Biochemical, histological structure, physiology of dentin.Тәжірибелік
5Biochemical, histological composition, physiology of dental cementТәжірибелік
6Stages of preparation and general rules for the preparation of the carious cavity.Тәжірибелік
7Preparation and filling of cavities of dentition of class I according to the Black classification on phantom teeth (Small and large molars).Тәжірибелік
8Preparation and filling of cavities of dentitions of class II according to the Black classification on phantom teeth (for small and large molars)Тәжірибелік
9Preparation and filling of cavities of dentition of class III according to the Black classification on phantom teeth (incisors and canines)Тәжірибелік
10Preparation and filling of cavities of dentition of class IV according to the Black classification on phantom teeth (teeth of the scapula and canines)Тәжірибелік
11Preparation and filling of dental cavities of class V according to Black's classification on phantom teethТәжірибелік
12Materials used in the treatment of caries diseases and their classificationТәжірибелік
13Modeling of teeth after endodontic treatmentТәжірибелік
14Errors in dental restoration and methods of its restorationТәжірибелік
15The composition of the adhesive system, application methods and propertiesТәжірибелік
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
1Volkov, E.A., YAnushevich, O.O., (2016). Terapiyalyk stomatologiya.Tіs aurulary.1-bolіm. Oқulyқ. 2. Mirzaeva, D.O., Dzhumanov, SH.N., Rahmatullaev H. (2020). Kariesologiya zhane tіstіn katty tіnderіnіn tіszhegі emes akaulary. Oқu-adіstemelіk kural. 3. Borovskij, E.V. (2020). Terapiyalyk stomatologiya І,ІІ,ІІІ tom. https://elib.kz/ 4. Terapevticheskaya stomatologiya. Bolezni zubov. Uchebnik: v 3-h ch. 2016g. Pod red. E.A. Volkova, O.O. Yanushevicha, L.N.Maksimovskaya, Yu.M.Maksimovskij, L.Yu.Orehova 5.Plany vedeniya bolnyh stomatologiya. 2015g .O.Yu.Atkov, V.M.Kamenskih, V.R.Besyakova 6.Terapevticheskaya stomatologiya chast 1.Almaty, 2020 https://elib.kz/ pod,red ZazulevskayaL.Ya.